Chapter 6

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(This might be a short chapter! ;-;)

-------------------------------------------(Y/N POV)-------------------------------------------------

Mercury was shocked "wait... you are telling us that Becca, your bully from school, is the daughter of our enemy!?" Earth was shocked "Mr. ROTSAR...?" I chuckled "Yeah.. I g-" before I could finish my sentence, I see a note slipped under the door labeled "FOR Y/N" Mars raised an eyebrow "what's that?" he asked. "well I..." I trailed off "I don't know.." hesitantly, I picked up the note and began to read it out loud

"Mom is at the museum" 

"s-she's at the..." Jupiter looks over my shoulder and his face turns pale "Wait... that's about your mother?" I was in shock too "You are right!" I turn away from the note and look at the planets "This is it! This is my chance!" I look at them with determination never seen before, I may actually have a chance at seeing mom again. I couldn't stop thinking about her the day she disappeared, wondering where she had gone. Before any of the planets could answer, I rushed to the family computer and closed out the SolarBalls episode tab Earth was watching earlier and looked at the tickets for the train and bought some. There was only one train left that night, and it left at 7:30pm. I looked at the clock... 7:20pm... "I got only ten minutes!" I look at them all in panic "I need to go! like... r-right now!" I say. Jupiter looks at me hesitantly "I'm not sure that is the best idea..." he says "What if it's a trap? I mean...-" I interrupted him "please Jupiter..." I look at him with pleading eyes "I've missed my mom so so much ever since she disappeared." Jupiter sighs "You are taking things way too fast... slow down."

I look at Jupiter "Please Jupiter please... I want my mom." Jupiter looked at me with sympathy, like someone watching a baby bird look for its mama bird. He knew that I was desperate to get mom back, to sort this all out, all of it. Maybe she would be there for me and help me, I needed someone who knew my life like the back of my hand other than me to... I just needed some backup. Jupiter sighed "Fine. But it isn't safe for you to go alone. Especially after what just happened. We need someone... well.." He skimmed through the row of planets and meets eyes with Venus. "Venus, go with Y/N to the trains, and the museum." Venus looked at Jupiter outraged "What!? Why me!? Why do I have to go!?" Jupiter rolled his eyes "Because, we need someone to protect Y/N." Venus rolled his eyes back "I am NOT doing that. I have no part in your reckless games.." He began to mutter under his breath, you couldn't quite hear it but I could make out "reckless idiots" and "stupid games" Jupiter looked at Venus seriously "This isn't just some game. This is life or death for us, and we can't let Mr. ROTSAR win." Venus sighed, knowing he was sort of backed into a corner. 

"fine. But don't expect me to sacrifice myself or something, I'm not committed." Jupiter then says "I don't expect you to be that committed, I expect you to at least be able to somewhat protect Y/N, and let us know if they get into trouble." Venus sighed again "Fine." Me and Venus were out the door at 7:22pm, we had to get there at 7:30pm. I locked the door behind me with my housekeys and me and Venus walked, the train station wasn't really far away. Venus looked at me "You are very committed to find your mom, aren't you?" I look down "She knows me better than anyone. She might help us with this.... issue." Venus raised an eyebrow "What if she can't?" I look at Venus "I still want my mom, she's my mom." I look at the time, it was 7:25 "We should hurry." I say

Venus was about to answer, when I suddenly hear from behind us "EMO GIRL!" I turn around and see Mr. ROTSAR dashing to us. "AHHH! TIME TO GO!" I grab Venus "WHAT THE FU-" I cover Venus's mouth, and we run, we took a sharp turn hoping to throw him off, it wasn't even the right way to the train station.  "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING YOU RECKLESS IDIOT!? YOU ARE GOING THE WRONG WAY!" I look down at him as we continue to run "IM TRYING TO SAVE OUR LIVES YOU DUMBA-" Mr. ROTSAR continued to chase us "STOP!" he yelled, like the idiot he is. Of course we didn't, we weren't just gonna listen to him because he is wearing a fancy suit and tie. We continued to run and Mr. ROTSAR was right on our tail, reaching for the hood of my hoodie to grab me by, he was just about to before Venus jumped on my shoulder and put up my hood and bit his hand. "AH! GOD DAMMIT!" he yelled, holding his hand up, the bite mark bled. I laughed and high-fived his gravity "Good strike dude!" Venus laughed and high-fived or... high-gravityed me back. 

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