Chapter 2

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Author note:

VERY quick note because you probably don't want to hear me ramble on a cliffhanger, the next parts of the story will have a bit of an AU to it or my one-shots I haven't published on a separate book yet. The time this takes place is right after the 3rd moon revolution video. enjoy! 



I slowly peer my head around the island to the strange raspy voice to see none other than... Venus! From SolarBalls! He was floating above Mercury who was shaking a tad bit and saying "What do you mean!? Of course, I'm bigger than Pluto! Why wouldn't I be!?" Venus smirks mockingly at him "Whatever you say, pipsqueak..." Jupiter looked at them with serious faces. "Uhh.. Guys. sorry to butt in on your rivalry but we.." he trails off "Where exactly are we?" The planets look around in confusion "I'm not sure, man..." Mars says. Venus looks over at the island, sees me, and yells. "AHAH! AN EARTHLING!" He grabs me by the collar of my shirt with his gravity. "An Earthling kidnapped us! Typical, am I right?" I looked at all the planets, they were about the size of those spheres you see in front of a target. I panicked "N-no! I swear I didn't kidnap you guys! you.." I then trail off and look at my sketchbook, the smeared colors gone. "You came from my sketchbook..."

Jupiter raised an eyebrow "Your.... sketchbook? Listen, we may be planets but we aren't dumb." I wave my hands around in front of me "No! No! I swear on my life! I promise!" Jupiter looks at Venus. "Venus let the poor kid go... you are scaring her!" Venus groans and lets me out of his gravitational pull and I sigh a breath of relief. Jupiter raises an eyebrow and looks at me, then says a bit sternly "Oh no you don't." I look at him in confusion "Don't think we are letting you off the hook that easily. We want to know how we got here." I look down, trying to look for a way to explain this all to them. I mean, this is probably VERY confusing for them, isn't it? So, I look over at them. "Well u-uhm... how about you all sit on the couch or something? This will probably be very uhm... hard to process, And well..." I look at the planets who were giving me a suspicious look and give them a nervous smile "New?" 

So, they went over to the couch and sat down. I tried to sit on the couch too since there was a bit of room on the edge near Saturn, but his rings would have poked me. I just decided to lean on the arm of the couch. "Well? Are you going to explain yourself, Mate?" Uranus looks at me and asks. "Oh- uhm...- yeah..." I began to explain the whole YouTube thing, My little obsession with space, and the incident with Becca. They seemed to try and be attentive as possible, and a few of them made some faces of shock while I explained everything, especially Saturn and Earth. Jupiter and Mars kept nodding with my every sentence, or everything I had clarified. Once I had finished Mercury had spoke up "Woah... You mean to tell me that we are a cartoon for some indie show on YouTube? and..." Venus interrupted "And you are a mentally ill earthling with teen drama none of us want to be a part of?" Earth looks at Venus with angry eyes "Hey! Be nice! After-all, she's giving us a free place to stay!" My eyes widen "w-what!? No I'm not! If my mother found out about you guys she would flip!" 

Jupiter raised an eyebrow "In all due respect, mysterious earthling... We have nowhere else to go. If other 'humans' find out about us then something very terrible could happen to us. Not to mention you got us here you can probably help us get back." I look down. He was right, wasn't he? So, I agreed. "I... I guess so. But- we need ground rules." So, I gave them these few rules:

1. If my mom is home you can't be out here! You gotta stay in my room!

2. Don't ruin my stuff.. or any stuff for that matter. 

3. Don't be loud if my mom is here.

4. Clean up after yourselves because... I'm a bit of a germaphobe.

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