Chapter 7

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(This chapter might be set up weird! I'm typing some of this on my computer, and some on my phone. Also, it is confirmed that there will be only 10 chapters btw)

Mr. ROTSAR looked down at me, grinning maliciously "Let's go." He says, dragging me along. "AHH! WAIT! PLEASE NO!" I cry, tugging back "I'll do anything!" I say. He paused and looked down at me, with that same grin. "Oh really?" he leaned in "How about you give me those planets, you get your normal life back. Seems like a fair trade to me." He chuckled. My eyebrows went down "Anything but that." I say. He leaned away from me, still grabbing onto my arm he laughed once again "If you can't do something as simple as that, then maybe let's call the whole deal off!" I rolled my eyes "we didn't have a damn deal in the first place! And I bet that pisses you off! Eh?!" His eyebrows go down and he looked down at me in anger, and grabbed onto my arm tighter "let's go." He said, dragging me along. I tried to fight against him, but it was to not avail.

————————-(Mr. ROTSARs base)——————
I looked down at myself, tied to a chair and Becca and her father talked to each other on the other side of the base. I looked around at the cold white walls. It was bleak, bland, emotionless, and it gave off the 'there is no hope' vibe. It felt like a lab of some sort, like the type that had the evil scientists that experiment on the hero's. Which that metaphor I shouldn't be using right now to scare myself, but I can't help that it's true, can I? Becca walks over and laughs, looking down at me. "You always were a weak one" she said. Along with the bandage on her nose she now had a black eye, which was probably from when Rubi had beaten her up earlier. From what I saw before I left with Saturn she was beating the hell out of her... so it wasn't too surprising. I looked at her "Okay well when a 30 year old man picks me up and drags me along it's sort of hard to not get dragged here... this place smells like your armpits." She snickered "then it must smell good, I'm pretty much naturally deodorized."

I raise an eyebrow "hah... like father like daughter. Full of themselves for no reason. What's there to be proud of? Hurting these planets and just being a bully ever since you got those popular friends.." she raised an eyebrow back "wait— what? What are you talking about?" She asked "Emily and Ella... those girls who were rude? And your friends?" Becca then says "I know who you are talking about you idiot! I mean, how?" I sigh "don't you remember?! It was all your plan! One day, that day, the day when I came back from being sick. I came back, and you asked if I wanted to play tag! I HATE tag and you know that! And then, when I said no, you stopped asking me all together! I asked Emily and Ella why, and they said you said that I was weird! And uncool and just..." I sigh and look down "just could never compare with you three..." Becca's eyes widen "Y/N... the two told me that you said that you could never be seen playing with me because of the same reason..." my eyes widen... "you are telling me... they set us up?!"

Becca was shocked "they... they did." She said in shock. "Becca... I'm so so sorry if I knew that they-" she looked away tearing up and I reword my sentence "things would have turned out differently." Becca looks over, and sees her father walking over. "No, you were a nerd anyway." She smirked at me "things happen for a reason." I look at her up and down "excuse you?! I thought we were having a moment!" She laughed and rolled her eyes "psh... please! A moment? With you? Hah!" She leaned in and whispers mockingly "when pigs fly." I looked at her "I thought you just took a plane ride to Cuba a few months ago, so technically..." she scoffed at me "Shut up!"

She once again rolled her eyes and turned away from me, walking to the corner of the room. It gave me a sense of loneliness and fear... betrayal even. I thought I was over it years ago. I cried about it at the time, a lot actually. But I thought it was gone. I thought that side of me had been buried away in a box deep inside me never to see the light of day again. To barely even be a memory. To barely even think it happened. To barely think... I was once her friend. To barely even think. That I had known her name. Mr. ROTSAR walked near me, every one of his footsteps making his fancy shoes click the floor. They shined in my eyes. His suit having a few dirt and blood drops from the chase. His hands sweaty from fixing SAR in the other room. Also a bit burnt, probably from accidentally burning himself earlier when making his coffee because while me and Becca were talking you could hear a little 'dammit! Can this day get any worse!' From the kitchen room. A tear fell from my eye, hitting a paper on the ground with a stick man drawn on it. The stickman... suddenly raised from the paper! like a real person! He was only about 2-4 inches tall, but... before he could speak, Mr. ROTSAR splashed his coffee on it, making it disappear.

He smiled down at me, myself tied to the wooden chair that would creak as loud as thunder if I dared to move a muscle. I felt like the thing could break at any moment anyways. "Well, emo
Girl.. or should I say Y/N.. how are you?" I scoff at him, and say sarcastically "I'm doing amazing, tied to this stupid chair, in this stupid base, smelling your stupid breath, full of stupid." He rolled his eyes "you talk like a small child. I thought you were 14, not 4." I look at him angrily "doesn't matter! Besides, your tongue spits nothing but lies and betrayal! In fact, I'd be surprised if your own mother even said thank you to you before." He scoffed at me and slapped me across the face "Rude!" he then sighed and chuckles "gosh what am I saying... You've always been so sassy during winter when I come to see you." My eyes widen "w-what...?" I stutter "I guess you are your fathers daughter, I do the same thing." He smirked at me "So, what have you been crying about now?" 

No way... Mr. ROTSAR is... "Y/N, I'm your dad." he said sternly. 

"w-what..." I say again, looking down tearing up. "Why'd you leave!? Where's mom!? I want mom! I know you took her!!"  He smirks at me "Now now dear, don't make assumptions and allegations you can't back up with proof." He paused "Your pathetic mother knew from the start I am a very important man, and so I warned her about that when we got married.-- however when it was my time to leave, she was being all whiny. I left for a hotter woman, had your half-sister Becca. Easy, what's the big deal?" I get angered "You really think you could just leave us!? and- and why... then why isn't my last name ROTSAR? Why was mother's last name not ever ROTSAR?" He sighed in frustration "You are as stubborn as your mother. In fact she was so stubborn she wanted you to have her last name since she carried you and went through all the 'pain' for those nine months." he rolled his eyes. "Well, I mean I see where she was coming from..." I said, he looked down at me in more frustration "Of course you do. The apple does never fall too far from that pathetic tree of a mother you have." 

He smirked down at me and leaned closer "Now, Emo girl... where are they? The planets?" I look at him. "You really think I'm just gonna tell you that? How entitled are you!?" He frowned "Now now Y/N, don't be difficult." He laughed "I'm just trying to help you! after all, you do want the next episode of SolarBalls, don't you?" I frown back "I would trade it all to keep those planets safe, who knows what you'll do to them! I won't damn risk it!" I hear a slight voice from the kitchen "Hey, dad!" he yelled back sternly "Not now Becca! Don't you want your new dress!? Shut up!" "but dad--" "I SAID SHUT UP!" I look at him, he seemed disappointed in Becca. 

He looked at me, and I was prepared to dodge all questions at whatever cost. 

"Where are they?"

"None ya."

"None ya what-?"

"None ya business."

"Which ones do you have?"

"Figure it out yourself."

"How'd you bring them here?"

"I dunno."

I hear, Becca whining frightened from the kitchen "dad please! please!" He seemed more annoyed, as I smell a bit of smoke right under my nose "BECCA I SWEAR TO-" The smell got stronger and stronger. "DAD THERES A-" the fire alarm goes off, it was loud and blaring with bright lights that hurt my eyes, more than the white walls "FIREEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!" she screamed in fear. Mr. ROTSAR's eyes widen, and he shoves my chair onto the floor. He grabbed his daughter in his arms and ran out of the lab, leaving me there. I began to sob "WAIT PLEASE! DON'T LEAVE ME HERE!" it was too late, they had left without me. The fire caved in more and more, surrounding me. The heat making sweat roll down my forehead, my neck. My eyes tearing up. Venus gone, planets tucked away at home for Mr. ROTSAR to easily find, Becca never forgiven me, mom missing. It was over. I could no longer tell if the liquid running off of me was tears or sweat anymore, as smoke filled my lungs and I choked and gagged, and everything faded to black as I hear the roof about to collapse onto me. It was as hot as Venus.




okay I am so so sorry this is so short in such a long amount of time. I have had a lot going on right now, and I've been trying real hard to get these out. But I'll see you soon!

Word count: 1768

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