Chapter 8

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----------------------------------------(Venus POV)-------------------------------------

I right as I heard Mr. ROTSAR behind us, I darted behind a bush. I sighed in relief, I finally got rid of that stupid earthling. I knew from the very start she was no good. She brought us here as a trick, and probably brought Mr. ROTSAR here too! That's why I'm not committed. I've been hurt so many damn times, but this time, I'm stronger. I'm just, better. And I won't let anybody hurt me, as they did before. Me and the planets could run away from the stupid house, and find a better place than an earthling who can only do their oh so 'best'. "Oh woe me! I'm so pathetic without my mother!" I thought of the earthling whining, it made me chuckle. However... I heard Mr. ROTSAR drag Y/N away, and their cries of terror and their pleads... and... 


Something clicked. I couldn't just leave them behind what the hell would we do without them? What was I thinking? But I couldn't just go out there and get caught. I needed help. I began to quickly float away from the house until I saw, that one earthling Y/N told me about and showed us pictures of, supposedly named "Becca" jump in front of me. "You!" she screamed "oh, you." I say back. She was about to yell "DAA-" I hit her head with a rock, and just like that she flopped over onto the floor like a fish on a boat "OWWWWWWW!" she screamed. "Shut up you spoiled brat! Gosh!" I yelled.  "please!" She rolled her eyes "At least I'm not working with some nobody!" she screamed "Yeah?" I say "Well that nobody actually helped us at some point. Unlike you, who has only put us through hell." her eyebrows went down "That was my dad, not me." I raise an eyebrow "And you don't speak up about how you feel?" I say "He's my dammed dad! Not my friend!" I sigh "Listen, he is your parent but deserves to know how you feel about an opinion. Even if he hates you for it, he's your dad. Y/N, you should talk to them too."

She scrunched up her nose in disgust "Talk to Y/N? That nerd who apparently thinks she's too cool for me?" I then knew what was going on, from Becca's response and Y/Ns side of the story. But, I decided not to get in the way. "Maybe talk with the kid, things aren't always as they appear." She rolled her eyes again, I swear she rolls her eyes so much her eyes are gonna be stuck to having to look at her brain forever. Or whatever peanut she has back there. "You don't know anything." "Yeah, well I know a thing or do about relationships with friends." Her eyes softened a bit, but not much. "Fine. I'll let you go but if this talking thing do-" I finished her sentence for her "Doesn't work out you'll punish me?" I raised an eyebrow "Predictable." I said.

She was about to say something, but for some reason, she walked away instead. I turned as she walked, surprised. That was definitely out of pocket from what Y/N told me. I realized, I still had to hurry up and save Y/N, so I dashed to the house. Past the ice-cream parlor, past the school, past the shops, past the grocery store, and got to the door. I turned the handle with my gravity, but it wouldn't open. I tried harder and harder, I tried so hard the door handle could've probably became the rings I asked for at that point. It wouldn't budge for the life of me. I look down at it remembering how Y/N locked it as we were leaving... ugh! Typical!

What was I supposed to do now? I can't just leave Y/N, and I can't find them either! That's always how movies or books end horribly. You the reader should probably know that since you spend a lot of time reading these. I walked over to the window and started banging on it "GUYS! HELP!!" I caught Mars and Uranus, talking in the dining room look up at me "Venus! My mate!" Uranus said "Where's Y/N?" He asks. "Mr. ROTSAR chased us so we ended up missing the train! Then he kidnapped her!" Mars gasped "Get in here!" He screamed. "I tried you idiot! The door is locked!" Neptune suddenly throws one of his rocks at the window, and it shatters. "woahhh... glass!" he says memorized. "Neptune mate! what the bloody hell!?" as I jump in through the window. Mars yells to all the planets in the living room and kitchen "Mr. ROTSAR chased Y/N and Venus causing them to lose the train! They kidnapped Y/N!" everyone gasps, and Jupiter floats to me, grabbing my 'face' and searching it all over "What!? are you okay!? is Y/N alright!? how'd you get inside!?" 

I float away from his grip and look up at his gigantic self "I'm fine. I don't know how Y/N is, and Mars unlocked the door for me." Jupiter's eyes widen more and Mercury yells "Y/N locked the door!?" "Yes, pipsqueak. But I'm fine." I roll my eyes. "But we gotta find Mr. ROTSAR's base.. and find something to save Y/N." Earth spoke up "I was on the computer earlier and saw an ad about him on YouTube, his base is on the road behind the school Y/N goes to! We need a distraction..." I laugh and say sarcastically "Well pipsqueak, dress like how you normally do and go in there, they'll think someone got them a clown." In his tiny voice he yelled at me "I am not a clown!!" I then say "your right, you are Pluto." Jupiter then snarled at me "Venus. Not the time." I rolled my eyes as me and all the other planets began searching the house for something. 

I began to search through the boxes up in Y/Ns room, it was filled with notebooks, which I took a quick peak through. It was filled with SolarBalls comics that they made! I saw myself saying in one "Well me and Mercury are BFF's!" and I accidentally yelled "Nuh-uh!" out loud. Earth peaked his head around from the door asking "What was it, Venus?" I blushed in embarrassment and quickly put the notebook back in the box "Err... nothing Earth! Mind your business!" All the planets and me suddenly hear a "A-HAH!" from the kitchen, and we rush downstairs to see Mars pulling a box of matches out of the kitchen drawer "I say, we kill two birds with one stone. We burn down the base! We get Y/N and possibly kill Mr. ROTSAR, or destroy his stuff at least." I nod "That's a pretty good idea, killing two birds with one stone." 

Jupiter nods "It's official then... lets hurry up and get there before anything happens to Y/N." He grabs the extra pair of housekeys as I quickly say "Uhm... I don't think we quite need those to get inside." He tilted his head, confused. "Why?" he asked. I rolled my eyes "Oh I don't know, ask Neptune."  Jupiter sighed, and shook his head as he opened the door "we don't have much time to waste, lets go." We all floated after him, nervously. We floated past a few of the shops on the way, including the grocery store. As we passed the school I look down at the ground and say "Hey! This is Y/Ns Chapstick! They must have dropped it when Mr. ROTSAR was dragging them." Jupiter nods "We must be on the right track then, Mars, You got the matches?" Mars nods "Yeah dude." We saw the giant base up ahead. It was a giant white rectangular building in the middle of the woods, on a hill. I gulped, realizing there was many trees around... so fire wouldn't be that good of an idea. But we didn't quite have another choice. 

Jupiter once again nodded at Mars, preparing for him to do this honors. He took out a match, observing it for a quick second, and lit it. He put it against the kitchen side of the building, since the material was made surprisingly out of wood too on the outside. Almost instantly the building was covered in a giant beam of bright white, orange, and yellow light. We watched as the wood quickly turned black and chipped off, reaching the inside. We heard a scream "DAD!" from Becca, but he passed her off. The more minutes went by, it spread all through the base. But we heard... The two leaving Y/N behind! We couldn't get in! The door was jammed from all the smoke, and it was too dangerous, we could get killed in we stepped in the flames, soon... we stopped hearing Y/N struggle against the ropes on the chair. The only sound of our breathing and flames. You could hear a fly burp.

Did we... accidentally kill Y/N? 

Mars looked at me "V-Venus..?" He asked, looking at me with fear in his eyes 

"What do we do now...?" 







heyyyyy you guys! Sorry this is a lil late, I was sick and I had essays in school this week lol.

Anyways, what do you guys think the planets will do!? Because 10 is our final chapter :000

Bye! :D

Word count: 1558

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