Chapter 4

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(A SolarBalls Animator POV)

I had just finished animating a few days ago, the third part of the moon revolution. It was now Wednesday and we were just about to begin animating the script we put together. I opened up the software to see that... ALL THE CHARACTER MODELS WERE GONE! AND OUR ANIMATION SOFTWARE CRASHED AND WOULDN'T OPEN! 

I looked around the office to see everyone running around frantically "OH GOSH OH GOSH WHAT DO WE DO!?" My coworker Alice called out. Alvaro walked through the crowds of animators and yelled "EVERYONE CALM DOWN!" none of us wanted to get fired that day so we stood there, standing, just waiting for any sort of instruction on what to do! Alvaro sighs and says "We can't let the fans know we messed up this bad... we can upload some countryballs content for now, but as for the SolarBalls channel just say that it got delayed because of leakers." I begin to speak but "But-" He interrupts me "No." and walks off, he really has hit a new low, hasn't he? He seemed upset, since, he loves his fans. However some but not all can get angry when we delay or don't post every Saturday. I open my computer and drawing tablet, look for anything on these planets models, anything! It was all gone... I hear Alvaro talking seriously on the phone with someone, and I peak my head over the corner to maybe catch a little bit. "Hello? Mr. ROTSAR? Someone... I don't know who... took our models and they are probably here in our realm. I need some help over here. If this person draws anymore cartoons, they could bring some dangerous characters into our world." 


The great day had finally arrived! I always feel some sort of rush in my blood and excited beating in my heart when an episode comes out. I love it! I was so excited to share this brand new feeling to the planets, of how much I really adore them. We all gathered around the TV, when 11:00am hit the clock, the stream... turned off!? "Hey! what happened!?" Mars yells out. "I-I don't know..." I say, I began to check the community tab on the family computer. I see a message on the tab and began to read it out to the planets.

"We regret to inform you, that this weeks episode of SolarBalls has been delayed due to leaks. However, we did post on our other channels! We will try to get our episode out next Saturday, until then please keep the support coming!"

Mercury is shocked "w-what!? But we haven't even- HUH?!" I was as shocked as Mercury. I didn't say it out loud, but I think that... it had something to do with the fact I had these planets here with me. I felt a pain in my stomach since... I had them here for me, they weren't there for the rest of the world. The rest of the world, isn't me. That's not right, I couldn't just hoard them here. But on the other hand, I have no clue how they can get back home. Mars raised an eyebrow "You alright there, dude?" I whirled my head around and came back to reality, stopping my overthinking. "Agh.. uh.. yeah I'm good." I replied. A few of the planets looked at me suspiciously but decided to let it go. We spent the day doing the usual. I made some mac n' cheese with some cut up hotdogs inside of it for everyone to pick at, along with some chips on the side if it wasn't quite their cup of tea. Is it bad to say that I haven't cooked this much before? Because mom would usually do all that for me, you know? I sat on the couch and played on my phone while the gas and ice giants had gathered in a circle, playing truth or dare. I would have joined in if they weren't so boring. Most of the dares were "Run in a circle" or "pat your own head". For the truths it was "Is it true that your name is Saturn?" or "Is it true that your favorite color is blue?".

I'm more in for drama, but if everyone is just gonna tell me to spin in a circle five times then I just wont play. However, Neptune called out to me "Hey Y/NNNNN!!" I looked up at him in a way that said "Yes?" He smiled in his usual goofy way and said "Can you go get me some more rocks from the backyard!?" I sighed and went outside, and began picking out the bigger rocks from the garden. Until, I hear a somewhat familiar voice...? "Hey emo kid." I look up at the fence to see the guy from Thursday standing there smirking at me. "What the hell are you doing here... get off my property!" He smirked at me "Technically, I'm not over your fence so I am not in your property, also..." He leaned in "If you couldn't tell I'm a pretty important person. Likely story that they would believe some emo nobody over a respected in power man like myself." I squinted at him, trying to figure out how this random guy could be so stupid. It was almost funny! well.. almost...

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