'An apple a day keeps the doctor away.'

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I just want to preface this by saying I am so sorry for my pookie Petrunotfound in the comments...🥺 also I get that she's being rude to you and whatever but can we NOT bring up times you've tried to kay why ess..I don't need that in my comments and comments like: 'I tried that' or 'I tried to OD so and so years ago' will be deleted, I hope your well now and I'm happy for you if you are but I really don't want to be seeing that in my comments, neither I or anyone else are your therapist , thank you.


Also in my HC , Mori enrolled the mafia into school, but it was a kind of special?? School, like it had no one else other than them, per mori's request.

Chuuya angst
Zoning out/ dissociation
Stormbringer spoilers
Medical issues!

Chuuya was in an art class, of course dazai had to drag himself along aswell, what would the annoying mackerel do without finding ways to make chuuya want to commit crimes even the mafia would be surprised by.

He rested his arm on the desk, dazai obviously sat next to him, not paying much attention to the actual lesson, nor teacher and just staring at chuuya.

Normally chuuya would've zoned out by now, letting his pencil guide his drawings , drowning in his own thoughts , but no matter how bored or how badly he wished to escape this moment, he couldn't, it was as if dazai was nullifying his thoughts, chuuya couldn't find a second for himself through the millions of stupid notes and random facts , varying from interesting to backhanded.

"chuuya!! Chuuuu! Did you know that short people's life span is shorter than the average human?? I'm surprised you've made it this far! This has to be a record!"

Chuuya shot daggers at dazai, metaphorically of course, which dazai retaliated with an all too familiar, albeit annoying grin.

He didn't reply, there was no point, as anything he could possibly think to say would be met with a too loud and annoying retort from the never ending broken record that called himself Osamu Dazai.

His hand moved effortlessly on the canvas like it had done a thousand times before, the colors coming alive and taking form on what was once a mere piece of cotton.

Chuuya hummed to himself, loud enough to cover the ticking noises of the clock but not loud enough to tune Dazai out.

He didn't want Dazai to be quiet, or maybe he needed Dazai to keep talking. Desire and want are two sides of the same coin, that you can toss it If you have the time, but Chuuya didn't quite.

The little notes thrown his way with the god-awful handwriting came less and less since, unbeknownst to him, Dazai had been caught in the spell that were Chuuya's paintings.

At least him, If not the artist himself.

Akutagawa coughed, the teacher was talking and the sun had made its way just high enough in the sky to be perfectly in Chuuya's vision. The board screeched as the teacher dragged chalk across it but the redhead was not affected.

He felt lightheaded, like his body wasn't his but rather belonged to something greater that would prefer to be empty space rather than take on the burden of a human body, the room wasn't spinning, perhaps but for sure it was not as big as when he had first entered it.

A ringing sound filled his ears, a loud, loud ringing that one might assume was the bell dismissing the students.

Well- Chuuya looked around at the empty classroom and wondered when everyone had had time to leave so fast before him. One look to his left told that even Dazai had.. somehow made his way out behind Chuuya's back.

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