"May i see?"

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Abuse (physical)
Aftermath of manipulation
Suggestive content.

Dazai and chuuya were told where their mission was, dazai had made a plan and explained it to chuuya, chuuya agreed to it and they both got into disguises, koyo helped dazai to wear makeup , a wig and a dress, Mori picked out the dress, the mission was at a festival, so everyone was given masks, after chuuya finished getting ready they walked in, dazai was given an owl mask and chuuya was given a lion mask. Neither of them questioned it, dazai didn't speak much, he just nodded and bowed, chuuya wasn't there when dazai had gotten ready, so he didn't know what he looked like.

Dazai PoV:

I had gone into the festival and looked around for my target, while looking I was offered cider, I accepted with a nod and took a glass, I went over to a stall and found the target, bingo. I approached him and waved, I looked back and saw chuuya sat near me, I don't think he knows it's me though, I spoke to the target about his boring sales and had to look interested. I nodded at every annoying thing he said and smiled politely, Mori had taught me how to look appealing and act like a dainty , fragile, little girl, he also forced me to rehearse it a few times, we tried a voice but failed so we agreed I wouldn't speak at all.

Man: "I sell watches and jewellery, you seem like a jewellery girl, say, come to the back with me and I'll show you some of my jewellery."

I nodded and started to walk with him, until.

Chuuya PoV:

I sat at a random stall, wondering if dazai had made it yet, I looked around and saw a young looking girl speaking to an old man, I was close enough to hear the conversation, she didn't talk, he just nodded and smiled, she was holding a drink, the man seemed old and wealthy, he started to take her to the back, I rushed over and stopped him, I made conversation and tried to get him to talk about his sales.

Chuuya: "sorry, I heard you are into sales and I wondered if you could tell me a bit about it."

The girl looked annoyed, she looked like she was overly interested in the bullshit this guy was saying, I could tell what he wanted her for. She smiled and nodded frequently, I heard her laugh once , it was a slight angelic giggle, she stood delicately , I could tell she was no older than 16.

Man: "i was just about to show this lovely young lady some of my jewels."

Chuuya: "may I see?"

Man: "sorry, I wouldn't want to get robbed, one person at a time."

Chuuya: "I know what you're doing! You're trying to lure this young lady to go with you to the back to take advantage of her! You're disgusting!"

The man looked offended and walked off, the girl tried to catch up to him and start conversations, she only spoke a few words at a time, she then got hold of my sleeve and pulled me to a secluded place, I tried to protest but she was really strong.

Dazai PoV:

I dragged chuuya away to a bathroom and started yelling at him.

"You just ruined my entire plan! Now I have to try get him to talk to me again! I was going to follow him and shoot him in the room."

Chuuya: "wouldn't they hear the gun?"

"Silencer, obviously! God."

Chuuya: "fine, sorry."

I stormed out and went back to the man, I put in my fake voice and tried to make conversation, I only said a few words at a time because I could only say that much before the voice faded. He eventually complied to my requests and we started talking, he offered to take me to the back again and I followed him, as he turned around I took out my gun and shot him in the head, of course no one heard since I had a silencer.

I then found chuuya again and we left the festival, we reported back to Mori about the success of the mission and chuuya left, Mori requested to see me for longer.

Chuuya PoV:

Mori asked me to leave and I did, I then hid outside the door and peaked in, I saw dazai kneel down to Mori and Mori lifted his head up
To look him in the eyes, dazai was stubborn and he attempted to move his head away, Mori slapped him, dazai didn't even look surprised, he just looked at the floor, his eyes where empty, they say eyes are the windows to the soul, if that was the case, dazai may aswell had not had a soul, his eyes gleamed red in the light, Mori smiled and dazai sat there, Mori eventually let him leave and I snuck off before he saw me.

End of chapter 12.
Word count: 854
Look at me doing 2 chapters in a day😧

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