"You're still human."

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Mention of Mori
Abuse of power
Abuse of poison
Alcohol abuse
Abuse (physical) mention
Dehumanisation (?)
Self drugging (?)
(That's alot of tw's😧)

A few days later.....

Dazai was lying on chuuya's sofa, bored, chuuya ordered 2 medium pizza's for both of them because he couldn't be bothered to cook, why was dazai still in chuuya's apartment after he recovered? Because chuuya insisted he didn't go live in the shipping container anymore.

Chuuya: "how many times has Mori poisoned you?"

"Uhhh..I don't know."

Chuuya: "we both know you do."

"Hummm..7, or 8, give or take a few."

Chuuya: "you don't say no?"

"He's my superior. I have to say yes."

Chuuya: "bullshit, what's the real reason?"

"I said no, once, and he slapped me."

Chuuya: "he what?"

"Forget it."

Chuuya: "tell me!"


Chuuya: "osamu, tell me."

"It's not important!"

This conversation went on for 5 minutes , before chuuya got angry and slapped dazai, dazai was surprised, his eyes widened and all light in them disappeared. He stared at the floor and it looked like all the life was sucked out of him. Was this why they called him the demon prodigy?

Chuuya: "shit..osamu I didn't mean to."

After a minute dazai went back to his usual self, his eyes remained empty but he went back to his bubbly childish personality.


Chuuya: "are you alright?"

"Yeah, of course I am!"

Chuuya: "bullshit! Don't lie to me."

"I'm the demon prodigy for a reason, I don't feel hurt, I'm fine."

Chuuya: "a nickname doesn't define who you are."

"I'm barely even human, I've never cried, I don't feel anything!"

Chuuya: "you cried Awile ago."

"That doesn't count."

Chuuya: "you are human."

"I don't wanna talk about this"

Chuuya: "No, we've pushed the topic away for way too long, it's so obvious you're in pain. Just let us help you."

"I don't want help chuuya! I'm fucking fine. Some people don't want to be saved."

Chuuya: "and some people need to be saved."

"I don't need anything! I'm fucking fine!"

Chuuya: "bullshit!"

"You have just as much brain as you do height."

Chuuya: "don't change the subject!"

Dazai stormed out of the apartment and slammed the door, chuuya went after him but gave up. They had never argued like that before and it left chuuya wondering if dazai would even come back this time.

Dazai walked to lupins bar, no surprise that it was basically empty. He sat down and ordered a whiskey, after a few hours of buying whiskeys he paid and left, wandering the streets, at this point chuuya went out looking for him, he (chuuya) eventually found the drunken idiot sat on a bench in a park, dazai was reluctant to get up so chuuya picked him up, chuuya walked back to the apartment with dazai in his arms and threw him on the sofa, before throwing himself in bed.

In the morning

Dazai woke up and groaned, the light coming through the curtains practically blinding him, his bandages where all bloody and he had a raging headache, chuuya woke up a few minutes after and started making breakfast, neither of them spoke to one another, chuuya just put dazai's plate of food infront of him and sat on the other end of the sofa, neither of them would apologise to the other, they where too stubborn, dazai got a call and went into the bathroom to answer it, it was Mori.


Mori: "I need you in work today."

"Me? Why?"

Mori: "just be in my office by 8:30."


Dazai got dressed and walked over to the mafia building, he greeted akutagawa with a pat on the head and waved at the other members, he went into the elevator and pressed the top floor button, after about 5 minutes he was at the top floor.

"Osamu dazai."

The guards nodded and moved aside, he walked into the office and up to Mori.

"What did you need?"

Mori: "I have a new poiso-"

"Sorry can it wait? I just recovered from the last."

Mori: "you're barely human, why does it matter?"

That statement was followed by a slap, dazai wasn't surprised he just stared at the floor, with the same expression, the one of a lonely child crying all the time; his eyes gleaming red in the light, any light in them left, normally eyes are the windows to the soul, dazai's eyes lacked any sign of a soul, or any sign of human emotions either, Mori took dazai's silence as a "yes." , he then took out a needle and injected it into dazai's arm, dazai stole the antidote while Mori was turned away and hid it in his pocket, he was dismissed.

When dazai got to the first floor of the mafia building, he injected the antidote into his skin, above his bandages on his arm, he grit his teeth and leaned against a wall, he knew mori's antidotes where always strong, he forgot he normally passed out after using them, after about a minute , he passed out in a corner.

End of chapter 10
Word count: 860

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