Extraaa! (After this chapter is mostly one shots)

995 15 56

Extreme chuuya angst
Suicide attempt

A/N: I had a lot of fun writing this and imagining the scenes hehe, I've decided to make a shin soukoku fic, I'll be updating this as well, I can't bring myself not to! It makes my heart break! Sorry for being inactive for like..MONTHS. I'm happy to be back! ❤️ also this chapter takes place when they are 22, if I make more chapters they won't go off this one, this is just an extra, the other chapters will be back to 15.

Dazai got a message from chuuya, which was unusual, he barely messages, he prefers to call or talk in person, dazai opened it, the message read:
"Hey mackerel."

Dazai, happy his husband messaged him, replied:

"Hey my love."

Chuuya cringed.

"Do NOT call me that ever again.."

"Anyway, what did you want?"

"Wouldn't it be funny if this was the last time we ever spoke?"

"Chuuya baby? What are you saying?"

"I mean, if I were to die."

"What? Whats up? I'm coming over, DONT do anything stupid."

5 minutes later, dazai was left on read, it said chuuya was typing but a message never went through.

"Chuuya? I'm almost there."

Another 5 minutes go by.

"Chuuya open this fucking door."

Left on read, dazai picked the lock and walked into the dining room, he panicked and started looking around the house, he saw chuuya in his room surrounded in wine, and his phone. Dazai picked up the phone and it was still on their conversation, the typing bar read:

"I love you osa"

It cut off before chuuya could write or even send the rest, dazai assumed he passed out, he rushed him to hospital as he remembered the pills on chuuyas floor, why would chuuya try to kill himself? Wasn't that dazai's thing?, they made it to the hospital and chuuya was rushed into the hospital bed, hours go by, nothing, no doctors came to inform dazai, nothing. Dazai got worried, more and more hours go by, an eternity that felt like decades, centuries even, a doctor walks into the room.

"Osamu Dazai?"

Dazai stood up immediately and rushed over.

"Yes? Is he alright? Will he be alright?"

"We will need your first payment, then we can continue with what we need to do."

Dazai passed the doctor chuuyas credit card and stood there anxiously, another eternity went by, the seconds felt like minutes, the minutes like hours, the hours like days, dazai was fidgeting and flinching at every sudden movement, every red-head he saw he stared at until the face became clear, oh how he missed that annoying red head. Eventually he had to leave, visiting times were over, he went home and fell asleep, he took the week off work.

In the morning.


The phone was buzzing, dazai groaned at got up, a message from chuuyas phone, wasn't he currently in a coma? He opened it, hopeful. The message read:

"Dear Osamu dazai, we have chuuyas phone here at the hospital, we have news on chuuya, since you didn't enter your phone number we checked chuuyas phone, naturally we were confused on why someone called "shitty blue mackerel." Was in his emergency contacts, we checked the messages and saw your name , come as fast as you can. -doctor ***"

This message followed up with a missing phone call from chuuyas number, he rushed over, it felt like an eternity without chuuya. A doctor took him into chuuyas room, he saw chuuya hooked up onto an oxygen mask with all sorts of medicines and cables in his arms, he looked frail, weak. Weak was something chuuya definitely was not.

"We expect him to wake up within the next week, after that he will need assistance walking and eating, and he will need constant blood pressure checks, too high, come to us."

"Yes, thank you."

A week went by and another missed call from chuuya, he picked up and was notified chuuya woke up, this past week dazai hadn't eaten, or taken care of himself at all, other than showering and brushing his hair , he rushed over and ran into the hospital room, he saw chuuya sat up in the bed, tears ran down his eyes.

"Chuuya! You worried me so much, don't EVER do that again! I don't know what I'd do without you"

He sobbed and cried u controllably for hours while chuuya constantly apologised.

"What the fuck where you thinking chuuya?! Have your braincells rotted away?!"

"Sorry osamu."

"Don't fucking say sorry! I know how you feel , please talk to me next time instead of OVERDOSING."


"Suicide is my thing! But in all seriousness, please talk to me, about everything."

"There's nothing to talk about."

"You tried to KILL YOURSELF chuuya, what's going on?"

"Akutagawa is in critical condition, I don't feel human, and seeing you blatantly manipulate akutagawa doesn't help."

"Whatever do you mean?"

"He's traumatised, one 'you've become so strong' won't heal all the trauma and pain he's suffered, and we both know you only said that to further manipulate him, your little praises to him make him think 'oh dazai's close to acknowledging me' so he continues to try harder, and do anything for your approval, what I don't get is why he hates you but still craves your validation, maybe it's ALL THE TRAUMA."

"I get it but what can I do now? The past is the past, plus the kids like obsessed with me."

"He isn't obsessed with you! He's traumatised! And you knew what you were doing was wrong when you said 'odasaku would've treated you with care but not me' he's suffering in hospital right now, my son is in HOSPITAL dazai."

"Okay I get it.."

"You don't though."

"You don't feel human?"

"Can we not talk about that."

"But you are human chuuya!"


End of extra chapter
Word count: 990

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