What kind of suprise?

Start from the beginning

Tony left me alone with the woman that im gonna have the interview.
"Alright, I'm gonna be out there introducing you when you hear your name you come out. Don't be nervous i know it may be to much but you got this."
"Ok. Thank you."

Hi I'm Tabitha Soren, and tonight we have a special guest.
Shes a new singer with a very beautiful voice and a interesting style.
Ladies and gentlemen welcome Kathtrin Rodriguez.

I entered the room. There were so many people. But I could see that they were really kind.

"Im happy to finally meet you Kathtrin."

"Thank you, and thank you for having me."

"So, how old are you?"

"Im 18." I said nervously

"Wow you look so much younger. Let me ask you something so between us girls.. do you have a boyfriend?"

„No I don't have a boyfriend. I'm not looking to date someone right now."

„Do you have a lot of stress now with this whole change?"

„yeah it's kinda stressing me out. I'm new with all of this. With this whole attention. I'm not use to have so many people around me and if I do I completely ignore them."

„That's interesting. So tell me about your songs. About the whole period that you have been in a coma what happened there?"

„The two songs that are already out I wrote them, now im working on two other songs. The one song I wrote it together with Nikki Sixx and it's also gonna be played by Slash and David from Bon Jovi. And yeah what can I say, I'm working with the best producers shout out to Aerosmith for those amazing songs.
And the coma situation was a dumb mistake that happened because of me. I got thru a lot of stuff since I was young and growing up everything's comes back and you need to get out of the situations but sometimes is it harder then you think."

"I'm happy that your healthy. And also happy that we're gonna have to see more from your work. Thank you so much for taking your time."

"Thank you."

Well thank you Kathtrin and now we're getting ready to see the nominations for the MTV Music awards. Stay tuned.

The interview was over. I could finally breath again. I was so stress out just to see those people the way they were looking at me made me nervous.

"You did a great job." Mark said
"Thank you, did I sound good?"
"Yes, I think they were more concentrate on your body then what you said." Mark said
"Well hopefully they payed attention." I said laughing

Me and Mark were waiting for Doc. He said he's gonna pick me up.
I don't know why he wants to pick me up I kinda didn't liked his expression when he said that to me. But I'm not leaving without Mark. I trust Mark and I feel very safe when he's around.

"Kath come on in." Doc stopped the car
"Come on Mark."
"Mark can come with the other car."
"Go, it's alright I'm right behind you guys."
"You sure this is ok." I asked Mark
"Trust me, everything is gonna be ok."
I got in Doc's car.

He seemed very happy. He was laughing the whole time.
Is this man in love? Or what's up with him?

"Why you laughing?"
"What am I not allowed to laugh? I ain't you."
"Wha.. come on man that is not true. I'm always laughing. Im a very Funny Person, and huh my humor. I wished you had that." I said
"Yea I'm sorry your very funny. You always scare people around. You look like you wanna kill somebody."
"Hey! That's who I am ok? That's how I look, you don't like that then don't look at me."
"Oh kiddo. You have no humor."
"Says who? The old man right next to me or my manager?"
"Oh so now I'm the old man huh? Ok I got it. Let's see if I'm still old after this."
"What the hell are you talking about man?"
"Just wait and you'll see."
"Ay man, I got no time for your bullshit. If your one of those perverts then you better keep your shit in your pants cause I ain't going to jail."
"No one's going to jail AND IM NOT A FUCKING PERVERT I have a beautiful wife and a beautiful daughter."
"Well god bless you but that is not gonna change my mind. Cause you talked like a pervert Doc." I said
"Youuhh.. I better shut up."
"That's what I taught."

Pff he says I'm not funny. I'm fucking funny. I have the best humor. What is he talking about. Telling me I'm not funny..

Doc stopped the car somewhere. I have no fucking idea where I am.
Doc got out of the car and told me to wait here. What in the world is going on?
I swear to god if he's planning something stupid imma beat his fat ass.

After 5 minutes Doc came back with a scarf in his hand.

"What's that? And where are we?"
"Can you just trust me for once? I have a surprise for you."
"Oh hell nah. You know how I feel about surprises."
"Just close your eyes and let me put this scarf on your eyes."
"Whatever." I said

After he put that scarf on my eyes he took my hand and walked with me somewhere.

"Alright now wait here." Doc said
"Ey man I swear to god imma beat your ass if you do something stupid."
"Alright now take your scarf down."

I didn't even think about twice and took that shit off my eyes.

"What in the.. what are you guys doing here?"

Noa, Guns N' Roses, Bon Jovi, poison, Aerosmith, Mötley Crüe, everyone was here.
"Happy late birthday." Noa said and hugged
"Youuuu.. you all knew about this?"
"Of course we did"
"Next time I'm not going in the same car with him."
"Yeah, she taught I'm a pervert."
"And you Mark? You also knew huh?"
"Yeah I'm sorry."
"After this is over, we need to talk about loyalty man, cause this ain't work like this." I said and they all laughed
"Come on let's go inside."
"Inside? Inside where?"
"Your new house."
"What? But they told me.. ah you little mother fucker that was also your plan." I said to doc.

They let me open up the door.
They decorated everything so beautiful. The way I like it. All this vintage stuff and my paints are on the walls.

"Thank you guys. I'm really not into birthdays but this is really beautiful."
"Any time beautiful." Axl said and kissed my cheek.
"Wait this is not everything." Doc said
"This is all the money you made from both of your songs. You can buy whatever you like." Doc said
"Thank you.." I hugged Dod
"Oh now I'm not a pervert anymore?"
"Shut up." I slapped his head
"This is from us. We know you like black roses so much and we decided to buy you all those roses to put it in your garden." Jon said
"OMG THANK YOU." I hugged each one
"And this is my gift as a I'm sorry. Hope your gonna look good in it." Nikki said and handed me a golden long dress.

To be continued..

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