11. incorrect quotes

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Reputation: As far as I'm concerned, I don't blush.

Lover: What if I did this? *kisses her cheek*

Reputation: No.

Lover: *kisses her other cheek*

Reputation: Nope.

Lover: *hugs her*

Reputation: Nah.

Lover: *kisses her hard on the lips*

Reputation: Nothing.

Lover: Guess I got nothing *walks out of the room*

Reputation: *hangs her head as red as a tomato*

Lover: Oh I forgot my phone- Aww you DO blush!

Reputation, trapped in a hug by Lover: Don't say it so loud I have a reputation to uphold *then hides her face*


RED, tipsy: I'M TOO HOT *points at Evermore*




Evermore: *sighs and gives in*

Evermore, monotone: Hot damn.



*1989 has been struggling for 40 minutes to open her door because the door lock got jammed*

*Midnights, drunk, sitting on the floor in the hallway watching 1989*

Midnights: This is fun... being locked out together, we should hang out more often.

*1989 doesn't answer, only smiling because the woman is hot and kind of adorable*


Midnights: Try a kick. Try... kicking it.

1989: *does a donkey kick as hard as she can but absolutely nothing*

Midnights: Wow, more torque... than I was expecting. You've got a surprising, uh... torque to size ratio.

1989: I'll put it on my resume.

Midnights: Wanna try kicking again?

1989: You'd probably do a better job than me.

Midnights: Yeah, but... I don't want to cut our time short.

1989: Just ask me on a date then.

Midnights: Wanna go on a date?

1989: I'll say yes if you open this door.

Midnights: *jumps up, and with two hard pushes, the door opens*

1989: I'd love to go on a date. Please be sober then.

Midnights: Sly fox. I'll take it.

1989: I'll remind you about the date tomorrow.

Midnights: We can make plans then.


Reputation: Go fuck yourself.

Lover: Fuck me yourself, coward.

Reputation: What?

Lover: You heard me.


1989: Why does Fearless have a knife?

Evermore: She said she felt unsafe, so I gave her a knife

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