7. incorrect quotes

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Lover: Just be yourself.

Midnights: 'Be myself'? Lover, I have one day to win 89 over. How long did it take before you guys started liking me?

Evermore: Couple weeks.

Folklore: Six months.

Reputation: Jury's still out.

Midnights: See, Lover?

Midnights: 'Be myself'. What kind of garbage advice is that?


*Everyone is standing around the broken coffee maker*

Reputation: So. Who broke it? I'm not mad, I just wanna know.

Everyone: *silent looking around*

Lover: ...I did. I broke it.

Reputation: No. No, you didn't. Debut?

Fearless: Don't look at me. Look at Speak Now.

Speak Now: What?! I didn't break it.

Fearless: Huh, that's weird. How'd you even know it was broken?

Speak Now: Because it's sitting right in front of us, and it's broken.

Fearless: Suspicious.

Speak Now: No, it's not!

Debut: If it matters, probably not, but 89 was the last one to use it.

1989: Liar! I don't even drink that crap!

Debut: Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?

1989: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that, Debut!

Lover: Okay, let's not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it, Rep.

Reputation: No! Who broke it!?

Everyone: *looking at each other*

Debut: Rep... RED's been awfully quiet.


*Everyone starts arguing*

Reputation, later: I broke it. I burned my hand, so I punched it.

Reputation: I predict 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig's head on a stick.


Reputation: Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.

Love: *looking for Reputation suspicious about her sudden interest in the coffee machine she rarely used* Rep did you break the machine?

Reputation: *already thinking of hiding places* I need to go now


Speak Now: *Posts a super low-quality image to the group chat*

Reputation: If I had a dollar for every pixel in this image, I'd have 15 cents

Speak Now: If I had a dollar for every ounce of rage I felt in my body after I read this text, I would have enough money to buy a cannon to fire at you

Folklore: Actually, I did the math, Rep would have $225, not $0.15.

Reputation: Dude, I'm right here....

Fearless: If I had a dollar, I would buy a can of soda :)

Debut: While you're there, could you buy me an apply juice, please?

Fearless: Sorry, I only have a dollar

Debut: :(

Evermore: I just realised my sister is right, Rep would have $22,500 because it's a dollar for every pixel, not a cent

Taylor Swift Albums Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora