Trevor ( newer saga of ghostebusters )

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A/N: what's uppppppp?? I know it's been a hot minute but I'm starting to try and start writing again!! I've found some prompts on tumblr / Pinterest and I've figured I'd use them in this and hopefully I'll get a fanfic out this week!! Also this week for me is spring break and I'm going to the beach with my dad for a few days I'm super excited about it!!! As the title says I'm doing a fanfic for Trevor who is my favorite character from these movies because of how sarcastic he is and all that, I saw the new movie recently and I've only seen one other fanfiction for him and im going to change that lmao!! There might be some spoilers but idk tbh!! This is after Ghostbusters: Afterlife pre Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire just for context lmao they also have the fire house headquarters / house!!
Any ways I hope you have a happy reading as always!

When Trevor got back home he felt off, like head pounding, stomach churning, throat burning, and shaking like a leaf may I add. They had just gotten back from hunting down a bunch of ghosts that were giving people issues and trapping them, he'd climbed into his bed not caring to take off his cloths and put his pajamas on. Once he felt everything that was aching he pulled the covers over his head as the light and noise from outside was really killing him, not a minute later he heard his mom knocking on his door " you okay in there Trev? Dinner is ready but I'll save you some in the fridge if you get hungry later, I know we just got back in from a late night and all." He heard his mom call out before the foot steps retreated.

As he thought about it the thought of food sent unpleasant waves of nausea through his body, finally getting the courage to get up out of bed he walked over and changed into a new t-shirt, and pajama pants. After he got changed he walked down the stairs and joined his family. Phoebe, podcast, and his mom were in the kitchen eating a cooked frozen pizza they had picked up from the store before they came home." have you gotten any sleep?? You look like shit" he heard the familiar voice of his younger sister Phoebe ask " Phoebe don't talk to your brother like that..... hey your shaking trev what's wrong?" Their mom scolded but then redirected the conversation to Trevor who was leaning heavily on the kitchen counter.

"I'm fine just haven't slept in a couple days, nightmares been keeping me up" he admitted as he could feel the start of a fever coming on. "Why didn't you tell me honey? I could've helped you through it. You know I don't mind" She stated while walking over to her deathly pale looking son, she noticed the red blotches on his checks that were the only color on his face she took a risk and brushed his bangs back feeling his forehead " oh Trevor you're burning up! How long have you been like this?" She asked concerned , at that time Garry decided he was going to walk back into the kitchen after cleaning out all of the ghost traps. " woah what happened? Trev you okay??" He asked the dazed teen. "He's sick and he hasn't slept in two days because of nightmares if you should possibly want to know. He just now told us well mom figured it out but that doesn't matter" Phoebe filled in while Callie was looking Trevor over. "I- I need to sit down mom.... Like right now" Trevor's panicked voiced called out while almost falling on the ground " I got you it's okay Trev it's okay, think you can make it to the couch?" She asked worriedly.

To be honest she was freaking out Trevor was always the one who got sick the most and it always hit him fast and it hit him hard, she thought he'd grown out of it but apparently not. "Alright I'm taking him back up to bed and checking his temp I don't want it to spike in the night while we're all asleep." Callie's called out while picking her oldest up bridle style and caring him back to his room and setting it on the bed. Once in his room she went and found the thermometer and stuck it in his mouth, when it beeped she pulled it out and saw it was 102.0.

As the night wore on Garry and Callie took turns checking on Trevor but he remained asleep, " why do you think he didn't tell us he was sick? I mean he's secretive and doesn't like to show weaknesses but that shouldn't have to do with anything right?" phoebe asked but was cut off by a scream that she could only recognize as her brothers.

Sick one shots of  characters I have fallen in love with ❤️❤️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang