Jack( Kickn' It)

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A/N: so yes I started rewatching this show and saw there were barley any jack sick fanfics so I have taken it upon my self to write one, now if it'll be good I have zero clue that's up to you guys!
Happy reading
When jack had walked Into the dojo for weekend training he felt off, I mean he'd felt off when he'd woken up that morning but chalked it up to just staying up late the night prior. He was suddenly pulled out of his thoughts by his stomach cramping painfully and he was trying to keep his lunch down and not all over the mats. Rudy was showing their dojo to new comers and wanted him and Kim to show what they had learned( since they were both black belts), none of the group was there yet so he pulled a mat down and rolled his Kie shirt up as a pillow and found a blanket in Rudy's office and made a makeshift bed.
When Kim arrived she was confused to why the door was unlocked but the lights were off then noticed the lump in the corner of the room and went to go check it out to find out it was jack and he looked sick. She walked over to turn on the light so she wouldn't fall over anything and saw how pale jack looked.
" Jack! Are you ok? You don't look so good." Kim commented with a hint of concern in her voice seeing as he looked like he had a fever, the shaking gave it away. " mhm, I'm fine Kim just tired and cold I had a headache so I set this up to sleep cause y'all weren't here yet." He cut off as a cramp ran through his stomach yet again but at the same time the rest of the gang came running in to change and get ready for practice hooping and hollering about being able to show their skills not even noticing kim and jack in the corner. " guys! Be quiet I think jack is sick he's been holding his stomach like he's in pain you know he doesn't like showing weakness in front of us cause of his whole hero complex thing, but he says he's fine." Kim explained to the other boys before Rudy came In to give them tips for when they showed off the dojo, but noticed the atmosphere was off and Kim was talking to the boys who were surrounding none other than jack.
" what's going on guys the people will be here soon, what's going on with jack?" Rudy asked? Helping Kim prop him up as he broke into a coughing fit that left him almost gaging. " Kim go get me a wet cloth and a bucket he might need it soon, jerry go get a thermometer out of the first aid kit so we can see what his fever is at!" Rudy barked out as Jack came back into consciousness " mhm Rudy I'm fine I need to help Kim with the- gags under his breath- karate thing here and if I get worse I get worse it's my fault." Jack ranted as he started felling worse by the minute. He slowly got up from his position on the floor but got very dizzy and it didn't help his stomach at all, " Kim do you still have that bucket? I think imma be sick." Jack rushed out as he felt bile in the back of this throat, that left him coughing and gagging, " ok, it's ok if you make a mess we can clean it it's ok let it out don't fight it." But we gotta help here and it's important to Rudy to get it done, this is the best the dojo has done." Jack panicked which increased his nausea and went over the bucket again and dry heaving as there was nothing left in his system. " Rudy he's just getting worse and he's trying to deny it but he's thrown up twice and he's burning up it's bad!" She explained.
Jack felt dizzier than he had before and he tried to sit down but his vision had black spots dancing in front of it the pain him his stomach worse than it had been that morning. Rudy and jerry had seen him almost collapse and caught him still feeling the heat rolling off of him and the sweat running down his face, he was paler that he had been and it was worrisome and a clear that he was getting dehydrated and fast. " we gotta get him cooled down and rehydrated and fast he's still not looking good, maybe we need to take him home so he can rest." Rudy suggested and that pulled jack back into reality " no I don' wanna go back there no, don' make me please!" Jack pleaded sounding unlike a thirteen year old but a scared small child, " ok ok I'll take him to my place and get my mom to take him to the doctors to find out what's wrong." Kim offered while she called her mom who was in the mall already and agreed to help jack, Rudy picked him up and put him in the back of Kim's moms car with a spare towel under him and a bucket near his head in case he got sick on the way home, Which he did and it was still painful as before and he felt worse knowing Kim and her mom were having to take care of him cause he didn't wanna go back to his house. " jack you ok? You still look bad." Kim commented and he groaned in response
Couple hours later they found out that it was a really bad case of the stomach flu and this strain would leave him extremely exhausted but he's push through for karate, Kim just looked at him with concern and a caring look!
Hey guys so yes I'm Done with yet another fanfiction!!!! And imma go drop off the earth again! Happy reading bye!

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