Kendall knight( Big time rush)

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A/N: hey guys!! So I might fall off the face of the earth again because we're moving and I have two history tests, I've already had three break downs cause I'm stressed. Anyways so I'm back in my Big Time Rush phase again and thought let's do a Kendall one should be fun right? Idk but I hope you guys like it, it might be shorter cause I've hit some writers block !! Well let's get on with it and happy reading!!
As soon as Kendall woke up that morning he knew something was wrong his stomach was cramping and he was slightly nauseous, the stomach flu was going around and him having zero luck knew he had caught it. The reason he had woken up this early is because he, Logan, James, and Carlos had a session in the studio, now don't get him wrong he loved his best friends but his head was pounding and he couldn't deal with the yelling.
" Hey Kendall you awake? We need to get moving or gustovo will keep us extra time to make up for being late!" Logan yelled making his head feel like someone was hitting it with a hammer, Logan wanted to be a doctor so why couldn't he see that he wasn't feeling well? Now he could feel the tail-tell signs of a fever starting because of the chills.
" I'm tired Logan just let me sleep, I'm tired and my head is hurting." Kendall groaned trying but to no avail to get him to leave.
" Why didn't you say something? I could have called Kelley to reschedule, I'm sorry dude." Logan apologized looking Kendall over. " do you think you can join us downstairs?? Everyone is waiting but it's fine if you wanna stay here where it's comfortable." He added helping Kendall up as he had gotten up as to show him he wanted to go down but swayed lightly , " h eh can you help me? I just got really light headed for a minute." Kendal said: whimpered as he put an arm around his stomach as it continued to cramp but now the nausea had hit him like a ten fold almost making him sink down to his knees. Logan noticed and helped him to the bathroom where he then threw up. It seemed like a long time but it was only a few minutes until he was dry heaving which made his stomach scream out in pain. " bud I think you might have that stomach flu that's going around all the symptoms match up, let's get something in you to eat and try to rehydrate you cause I can tell you're getting dehydrated already." Logan explained. " but I'm not hungry I just wanna go back to bed and sleep for the day." He groaned curling onto Logan's lap while downstairs Carlos and James were wondering what was taking them so long to get down stairs and go to the studio Kelly had already tried calling them four times.
When they walked upstairs they didn't expect to see Kendall still in bed and Logan pacing around the floor like something bad was happening, " what's taking so long Logan? We were supposed to be at the studio 30 minutes ago but Kendall is still asleep?" James exclaimed thinking that Kendall was just being lazy and not wanting to go to work. When he walked upstairs he saw Logan and Kendall on the bathroom floor with Kendall dry-heaving over the toilet, James not knowing what to do scoped Kendall up and took him down stairs stoping to tell  Carlos that they were taking Kendall to the doctors to get him checked out because In all honesty it was starting to scare all of them.
Once they got to the doctors they're ere taken back pretty quickly which made them even more anxious " so you are here with Kendall here we can confirm that he does have the stomach flu. He will need different fever reducers and will need to drink plenty of water so he doesn't get dehydrated. If he feels up to eating give him light things like a banana or a pice of plain toast." The doctor prescribed some anti- nausea medicine and they were on their way back to 2J so Kendall could sleep most of it off, Gustavo was not happy that they had to take off work but granted them some time off to take care of Kendall.
In a week Kendall started feeling better not 100% but was able to work which made every one happy!
Hey y'all sorry the end was kinda rushed but as I said I've hit some writers block and not many people are reading my stuff so imma have a few more one-shots to post and then the book will sadly come to an end! Thanks for reading

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