Riff ( west side story)

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A/N: I in no way support his choices or anything he does. 2021 film Mike Faist as Riff
Disclaimer: I don't own west side story or any of the characters
When Riff woke up that morning he felt awful, he had excruciating pain in his stomach and his head was killing him. He couldn't be sick today cause they had the rumble today against the Sharks and his boys were counting on him.
" you doin ok Dere riff?" Tony asked him as he walked in " yeah I'm fine Tony don't worry just a little tired but it's nothing ." Riff snapped, "Hey I was just asking cause ya lookin a little on the pale side." Toney explained. When it was brought up Riff felt his stomach turn and he almost cried out in pain but kept it a soft whimper, if Tony heard it he said nothing. While they were organizing what to bring and head out to go to the rumble and grabbing weapons Riff was zoned out and they all saw it, the only problem was to get him to open up to it. " Hey ya Riff ya hungry before we leave cause we ain't gotten food or stopin anywhere and i know you haven't eaten anything all day." Tony called out handing Riff a baseball bat. Riff who left and was currently hiding out in the bathroom called out " nah I'm not hungry we should get goin tho." He was trying to keep up the " I'm fine and the jets need me for the rumble" act and Tony more than anyone in the jets could see through the act he knew deep down that Riff was in pain and was sick, Riff may think that when he's sick he's weak and that no one would care about him, " Riff you in there buddy boy? We're getting ready to leave." Ice asked snapping his fingers in Riffs face, Riff slapped his hand out of his face and almost started throwing punches his fever messing with him until he realized where he was. " Riff I-." Ice was cut off with riff running back into the bathroom and throwing up in the sink. " Dear Jesus Riff, had I known you where sick I wouldn't have pushed you as much. How long have you felt this bad?" Ice asked, Baby John was in the corner with Tony worrying because he had never seen the Leader show any weakness in general. " baby John he'll be fine it's probably just a twenty four hour bug, he doesn't get sick that often you know that so it hits him pretty hard." Tony said trying to calm him down.
" Tony gotta-throws up-  find Tony. Gotta stop the rumble he's gonna-gag- get hurt if he- throws up again- goes" Riff was hysterical and he could barely get a word out with out almost throwing up " TONY RIFF NEEDS YOU!!" Action yelled watching as Riff winced at the yelling telling him he probably had a headache as well as a fever and upset stomach , as Tony left to go tend to his brother like best friend as Anybody's ran in. " what's going on where's Tony and riff??" They asked but their question was answered when Tony came out of the bathroom carrying Riff bridle style. " I'm taking him back to my place for the night he's safer with me than any of you guys his fever had made that clear." Tony said 
When they arrived at Tony's place he put Riff on his bed and put a trash can next to the bed and crawled behind Riff and started combing his hand in through his hair. " you doin ok buddy? Your sporting quite a fever there." Tony asked when he didn't get an answer he looked down and saw Riff was asleep , at least he's peacefully sleeping but the nightmares are gonna start soon, Tony thought to him self, as if right on cure Riff started thrashing and yelling out, " Riff your ok it's ok it's Tony your brother." Tony said trying to calm him down and it seemed to be working.
It went on like that for a while waking up every other hour to him throwing up or nightmares and Tony was right it was a twenty four hour bug and by the time Riff felt better it was the next day and was confused on how he got to Tony's place since the last place he remembered was being in the Jets hideout getting sick. Wondering if they won the rumble Tony told him that they had talked to the Sharks and talked them into moving it to where Riff was feeling better
Hope you guys enjoyed this one-shot
Happy reading

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