Jordan Kent( Superman and lois)

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When Jordan woke up that morning he felt off, just like he did when he first started developing his super hearing. It was the awful ringing in his ears and the pounding in his head that was the first signs that he Jordan Kent was indeed getting sick. He and Jonathan were sharing a room so he knew he couldn't hide it so he did what any sick child would do call for their parents " mom! Da-" he called weakly before he threw up down his front , he softly started crying until he felt the familiar hands of his twin brother. Jonathan saw the signs of an on coming panic attack in his brother " mom, dad! We need you in here and fast! Jordan's sick and I don't know how to help!" He yelled hoping to get their parents attention and calm Jordan down at the same time. His thoughts were interrupted by their parents rushing over to them, one look at Jordan and they sprung into action grabbing wet wash cloths and the thermometer. Jonathan had felt Jordan softly gag against him so he practically threw him to Lois, she having the mother instinct ( especially with twin boys) ran Jordan to the bathroom where she barely got the toilet sit up before he projectile vomited into the awaiting toilet. Meanwhile Jonathan and Clark were changing the comforter and sheets " so how did you hear him before I did?" He asked " well I share a room with so I woke up to the sound of him crying and almost had a panic attack and that's when I called you." Jonathan finished. They got finished in time for Lois to bring a out a sickly looking Jordan who was wearing a black hoodie and black sweat pants. Once they got him comfortable into his clean bed toped off with a trash can besides him. They took his temp "102 and rising" reported lois but Jordan was already dozing on and off , it was a weekend and they could have some down time and look after Jordan. When he woke next he was sore all over , dizzier than he was earlier, delirious, and so nauseous that even sitting up almost made him sick. Jon was by his side in an instant reaching over for thermometer but Jordan ducked reaching for the trash can that was laying beside him. Once he was done Jon put the thermometer in Jordan's mouth when he took it out when it beeped and looked at it, " 102.9" he mumbled to himself " I'll be right back ok? I just gotta tell mom and dad something really quick." He told his brother and ran down stairs " he's up to 102.9 and super nauseous and I don't know what to do " Jon rambled. " what if we try the sun it helps me recharge what if it could help him?" Clark recommended, so they went up to Jon and Jordan's room and picked up a simi consus Jordan and brought him down stairs and put him on the window seat where the sun was directly hitting. " how you feeling buddy?" Clark asked " a little better not as nauseous now" Jordan replied sleepy. It was the same cycle even Monday when Jon went to school, Tuesday his fever had broken and his was gone by Wednesday and he was ready to go back to school. " see he's like me with the sun thing." Clark beamed ( 😂😂 pun intended) once they got home from school Jordan plopped down in the sun and took a nap still feeling kinda run down from the last few days.

Hey y'all!! I hope you in joy this one shot!! In trying to get back into the Rethym of writing again!! Till next time
- Susie

sickfics/one-shots for fictional characters I have fallen in love with!!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ