Hawkeye pierce( MASH)

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A/N : So I had another brilliant idea at like 10:30 and I thought there's not many M*A*S*H* fanfiction out there so let me make one but for my favorite character on the show.... Alight have fun!!

When Hawkeye woke up that morning he felt awful, he'd felt awful all week. He had been trying to hide awful coughing fits and the constant tiredness, his morning shouldn't been any different but it was, he had no energy to get up anymore than to deal with wounded. " Hawk you gotta get up we have incoming wounded." BJ was saying from his side of the tent they called the swamp. " yeah wake me up when the war is over." Hawkeye said Horsley due to the coughing fits he had all night. AS he rolled over Margret came in " Pierce I know you're awake." she roared but apoun seeing how pale he was minus the red spots on his cheeks she immediately felt bad for yelling. " Hawkeye are you alright?" she asked a muffled no is what startled them. He was always stubborn when it came to his own well being and as long as they've known him he never gave in unless it was so horrible that he couldn't stand it. BJ came over and felt his forehead and felt his concern double when Hawkeye didn't protest against it, " Jesus Hawk you're burning up! how long have you felt this bad?" asked trying to get some answers but all he got were more muffled coughs, " started this week with just a sore throat then it became constant tiredness, headaches, coughing, and a stopped up nose. I really thought it was allergies and it would go away. But now I have zero energy." Hawkeye confessed after he was finished with a coughing fit. " Why didn't you tell us captain? I know I'm not the best to talk to but you're still my friend." Margret chimed in but he'd already fallen back asleep, " he was right when he said he had no energy. he's out like a light, we gotta tend to these wounded. the war won't stop, I'll send radar in to keep an eye on him." BJ told Margret. as they went on their way to the OR they ran into Potter, now he is a nice guy but he can crack down when he needs too and this was one of those times, " Where's Peirce major? I bet he's off pulling another one of his pranks." Potter accused, " well he's sick cornel and before you say that he is faking we checked up on him and he could barley stay awake at best." Margret insisted " we were about to send radar to keep an eye on him in case he gets worse." BJ chimed in, looking at the two Potter deemed that they were telling the truth. As they started to get ready for work BJ went to go find radar only to find Hawkeye trying to get scrubs on. " what are you doing Hawk!" BJ yelled before catching his best friend before he collapsed on the floor of pre op. BJ managed to get his arms around Hawk and drag him over to a bed and take his tempture which was through the roof. Hawkeye didn't remember any of it and when he finally woke up from his fever induced sleep, noticing that he was awake BJ walked over making sure everything was alright and that his fever was actually breaking. " some case of strep you have Hawk, you were in and out of sleep the whole time glad you're back with us." BJ explained while Hawkeye was recovering he still made an effort to make the wounded laugh on the hard days. Margret stopped by to make sure everything was alright and checked out

when Hawkeye was finally aloud to go back to the swamp Potter stopped by making sure he wasn't hiding anything that could possibly make Hawk sick again or anyone else for that matter.

hope you guys enjoyed this it has been in the works for sometime and I never sat down to upload it so think of it as a late holiday present!! comment and vote! till next time and the next time I come back from falling off the face of the earth.


Sick one shots of  characters I have fallen in love with ❤️❤️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora