Sam Winchester( supernatural)

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A/N: sorry I've been away for so long!! I've just been in a writing slump and school started and my mental health hasn't been the best so hope you enjoy this fic before I fall off the face of the earth again! Lmao!

Sam and Dean were working a case in Ohio hunting down a pack of wear wolves when Sam started to feel off. First he took note of his symptoms, sore throat, stuffed nose, and a raging headache. Of course Dean would notice after all he was always the one taking care of Sam ( not that he was complaining.) they were at the hotel doing research when Dean decided to ask " you alright over there Sammy? You're pretty quite " Dean joked, " It's sam and yeah I'm ok why do you ask?" He asked hoarsely clearing his throat after. " yeah fine my ass c'mon Sam you're not fine I know you ok? So just tell me alright or I'm not letting you go in this hunt." Dean argued knowing that Sam would crack knowing peoples lives were in danger. " so you're willing to put lives in danger over me, Dean I'm fi- cough-ne" Sam tried to argue back. " yeah ok into bed Sammy , any other symptoms I should know about? Or is it like just cold symptoms?" Dean asked as he helped Sam Into bed. "I mean now that I think about it I'm kinda nauseous." Sam replied body now shaking with chills indicating that he had a fever. Dean walked over to the first aid kit and pulled out the bottles of medicine that he needed, once he gave Sam the meds he pulled the trash can out from underneath the desk, " you gonna be ok while I run to the store to grab some stuff?" Dean asked while the only response he got from Sam was a head nod and rolling over. So Dean headed out and called Bobby but got his voicemail he explained everything hoping he could help, once he got to the store he went in search of a pack of ginger ale then went to find cold and flu meds knowing Sam probably had a mild case of the flu. When he got back sam wasn't I'm his bed and he couldn't find him until he heard the sound of someone throwing up came from the bathroom, sure enough sam had his head on his arm so top of the toilet seat eyes closed. Dean ran over to him patting his face trying to get him to wake up. Once he got Sam semi- conscious he moved him back to bed with a wet wash cloth on his head and medicine in his system. It took a few more days for him to feel 100% again, Bobby stoped by and had helped dean with the hunt and making sure Sam was ok in the process it was only a mater of time before Dean caught the same thing that Sam had but Sam was there to help cause sometimes Dean needed a break every once in a while.
So yeah I wrote this at idk what time but I hope you all like this!! I'm now part of the supernatural family now lmao I know 15 years late but it's worth it! Alright peace out for like another month lmao

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