Murphy ( The 100)

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A/N- well hello, I gotta stop making drafts for characters then not really write, or post some of them. Anyways I have recently taken up watching the 100 which if you don't know is a show that was seven seasons long, most people didn't like it but I enjoy it and John Murphy has grown on me. He is played by the same dude who played Kirk in I still see you so obviously imma like him lmao, basically the show surrounds 100 kids who are 18 and banished to the ground which had been destroyed from radiation. Now with work and school starting up again I might not really post ( I mean I haven't posted in a while welp) but am excited to try and write again, if I do write it'll be on books/ shows/ movies I had recently seen/ read. I am still on season one and trying to get my hands on the books tbh but I'm basing this fic on 1 X10 of the show and try to get the characters as accurate as I can but this is my first time watching so there's that! Anyways I've kept you here for a while so ttfn , tata for now!
-nico 🤍
When Murphy awoke that morning he had a banging headache and throat was raw and dry, which for him was weird and made no sense because he hadn't felt like this since he was on the arc before being put on the ground. He knew If he didn't move now Bellamy would have him banished ( a second time) or kill him, wrapping his arms around his stomach he rolled over to where he was on his side and proceeded to fall back asleep not really caring about the consequences. Meanwhile outside of the tents Bellamy  and Clarke were taking count and seeing how many of them had survived so far, not seeing Murphy sent a chill down her spine. "Has anyone seen Murphy today at all?!" She called as there was a quite hush of whispers throughout the camp, " no one has seen him since last night, he wasn't at breakfast." Octavia called out as all eyes turned onto her causing her to slowly shrink back into the crowd. " alright you keep everyone in line while I go find Murphy right now? Got me?" Clarke demanded as she stalked off annoyed that she had to put up with his shit yet again.
Once Clarke reached Murphy's tent she heard small whimpers from inside, slowly pulling the flap back she felt her heart break laying there on the bed was none other that John Murphy. To Clarke he looked horrible and just by a quick glance she could tell he had a fever and a high one at that, she swiftly walked over and bent down shaking him slowly to not startle him. " Murphy, it's Clarke wake up. You're sick and we need to get you to the drop ship so we can figure out what's wrong." She called out softly as he slowly opened his eyes confused and weakly pulling his head up and putting it back down as if it was to heavy for him to hold, " Clarke what are you doing here? I promise I was about to get up I'm so tired." He asked confused to why she was caring for him when her second in command hated him. All she did was look back at him with sorrow in her eyes knowing exactly what was going through his mind , " I'm here to take you to the drop ship, your sick and practically shaking from fever. How long have you been like this? No one has seen you since last night." Clarke questioned him trying to get answers on why he disappeared, " can you stop yelling my head is killing me. It's like the worst headache I've experienced since the arch." He admitted when all of a sudden Bellamy stormed in pulling Murphy up " where have you been?! You're supposed to be working and did you forget what I told you the last time?" He yelled getting a grey that they were spending time on Murphy who clearly didn't want to be there, as soon as Bellamy yanked him up he lost all that was in his stomach on his shoes and then curling up into a ball thinking it would be met with punishment or worse banishment for the second time.
After the shock wore off Bellamy picked him up bridle style out of Murphy's tent seeing as he collapses from exhaustion and dehydration, the fever wasn't getting any better rising every second that he wasn't getting cooled down. A series of on lookers has crowed around when they saw the two in comand carrying Murphy Octavia running after them as she was one of the people who helped the sick in the camp they had made, " what's going on what's wrong with him? He wasn't like this two days ago." She demanded trying to get the attention of her older brother while trying to also get him what he needed but they were running low. " I need a wet cloth so we can and try to lower his fever and some water so we can rehydrate him if he throws it up we'll try again" Octavia order her fellow workers going and gathering the supplies. " I still don't get how he got sick so fast I mean if it was something he ate we would all be sick by now, it's not in the water either." Did he go out on any solo trips or get caught in any down pours?" Clarke asked trying to get to the bottom of why Murphy was so sick and so sudden. " why do you hate me? What did I do and how can I make it right? I tried to go to work I really did but I just felt horrible and I fell back asleep." They heard Murphy croak/ whisper since his throat was raw from his vomiting session earlier, " I don't hate you Murphy, you don't listen to orders that are given and think you can do what ever you want." Bellamy explained trying to clear the muddy waters.
When night fell that's when the worst started, his fever rose, he was beginning to get delusional and halucinant people that weren't there or scenarios that weren't going to happen. " hey it's okay Murphy nothing bad is going to happen while you stick with us." Clarke reassured while dabbing a wet cloth on his forehead trying to help bring down his raging fever that didn't seem to want to go down. She and Octavia were taking shifts to try and break the fever, " he just keeps getting worse and I don't know what to do at this point. He's in so much pain and thinks we're gonna hurt him or worse Octavia ." Clarke rambled feeling sorrow for the guy she once hated. By morning things weren't that much better but he could keep down some water and his fever was slowly dropping the more he drank and kept down, he was more alert as he awoke trying to get up but found he was still weak. " hey , hey slow down it's fine your okay. Well had some close calls last night when your fever got to high but anyways how are you feeling?" Clarke rushed out and he was surprised by her change of heart and that made him even more uncomfortable and wanted to get out of there as fast as possible thinking he was still in a fever dream, " ummm why do you care so much now? I mean last I saw you didn't want me back and Bellamy sure made that clear he would kill me if I didn't leave by today." Murphy explained slowly getting up from the makeshift bed and walking towards the exit, " wait Murphy did you actually think we are going to hurt you?" She rushed out needing an answer. " To be honest, yes I did with how you all have treated me since we got here it hurt me." He admitted.
As the week progressed Murphy was back on his feet in no time pulling his weight with work going out on more runs to find food and supplies, and just helping more in general. Clarke noticed and smiled to her self seeing he had finally come to his senses.

What's up people!!!! So yes this was over 1000 words I mean when I started my fics were like 200-300 words and then o slowly started to write longer fics, I hope you all enjoy this one and I should have the Kirk one up some time in the new year( don't hold me to that lmao). But I hope you all keep reading these and get inspiration for your own books if you write any!! Well until the next one!!
-nico 🤍

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