Steve ( stranger things)

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End of season three post season four!!
No spoilers on my watch
A/N: We're back after a month of not writing and being in a slump!!
Being steve Harrington you would think he's seen everything from being in high school even to fighting demi-dogs and a freaking Demogorgon for crying out loud!!  You would think that he'd be able to handle a small stomach and headache while the kids were at school, right?? he knew he could call dustin on the walkie that dustin had given him on their last mission to save the world from the upsidedown. " Dustin do you copy??" steve asked, but all he got back was static, he knew for a fact that it was lunch and he should be answering him " Dustin I know you can answer-" steve got out before a wave of pain and nausea came over him. He stumbled into the bathroom and emptied his stomach " yeah I could just stay here" he thought to himself before leaning back over the toilte and wallowing in his self pity. he was almost asleep when he heard Dustin calling his name over the walkie,by this point her knew he was spiking a fever because no normal human sweats and shivers, " Dustin hey you need to get your ass over here like right now I think I'm dying." Steve called out before his world went black but he welcomed the new found peace. When he woke next his head was pounding even harder than it was when he passed out, he was also welcomed with his body and throat hurting but what had woken him up was the constant ringing of the door bell, he had wondered why his parents hadn't gotten it themselves and then remembered that they were away on a business trip and would be away for a while. when he tried to get up he was over come by a wave of dizziness that made him sit back down on the lid of the closed toilet seat. Once he made it to the door and opened it he sad hopper standing there. " you alright kid you look like hell froze over . The kids were worried something happened because you didn't answer the walkie ." Hopper said with Robbin poking her head out from behind hopper as Steve was fighting the nausea but soon lost that battle and threw up right in front of hopper. " ok that's it just let it out." Hopper coaches trying to not feel bad for the kid who's parents left him, " Well that was disgusting, anyways we're gonna take you back to the Byers house and see if Joyce can fix you up, hopefully it's just a 24 hour thing." Robbin said slightly worried with how much he had puked .
Once they got to the Byers house all the kids surrounded Steve making sure he hadn't almost died on the way and caring for their unofficial babysitter, " it should just be a 24 hour thing, I remember when Johnathan was sick with something similar. Sick as a dog all day and all night and then back to himself the next day." Joyce piped in while hopper put Steve on the couch. " ok we need a bucket, thermometer, fever reducers,and a wash cloth. I bet he hadn't even taken his temp while he was alone, when his parents come back I'm gonna give them a piece if my mind." Joyce said stubbornly. Once they found out his temp which was 102.1 ( Robbin was ready to murder the guy but being sick sucked when you didn't have your parents around so she thought that was punishment enough.) and gave him a couple fever reducers then it was time to play the waiting game to see if he got better or worse. " mom?" Will asked " aren't you supposed to be in bed?" She asked " is he going to be ok? I know you said it might be a 24 hour thing but we're all worried about him. Yes he used to be a jerk but then he helped us defeat the monsters ." Will got out in one breath as if he's been holding it in for a while, " he's going to be just fine will, the meds are kicking in now and his fever is lowering and he should be back to normal in the morning so go get some sleep and I'll tell you if there is anything up deal?" Joyce asked will, " deal" after Will was sent back to bed Robbin was up and checking on her now friend and co-worker to see for her self if he was truly getting better or if it was his body tricking them into thinking he was getting better. " hey Steve, yes I used your actual name for a change you gave us a scare my dude I had to pick the kids up from school with hopper and all Dustin could think about before we dropped them off here was to make sure you were fine. Just don't die on us and we'll be good." She added sarcastically.
The rest of the night was uneventful minus some nightmares but that was expected the kid saved the world three times. Once morning rolled around and Joyce and Robbin were up and making breakfast when Joyce heard foot steps and expected it to be Johnathan and turned to instead see Steve. " your looking better this morning how are you feeling?? Think you can eat some toast?" Joyce asked " thanks ms. Byers besides a small headache I feel fine and yeah I could go for some food thanks." Steve replied " here dingus eat up you gotta take me and the kids to school if your up for it." Robbin added before Joyce could get another work out all the kids had been woken up for school which Steve decided he felt ok to do they all pilled on top of him and gave him a bone crushing group hug. " if you do that again Steve I swear I will personally kill you." Max implied " yeah Steve we're on the Bench together dude don't do that again I don't wanna hear Dustin freaking out again ." Mike chimed in," I like them Herrington ." Robbin laughed. Once Steve drove to the high school to drop Robbin and the kids off, before Robbin got out of the car Steve stopped her " you know I heard what you said last night and I can't promise I won't die on y'all , just I'll be here at regular time to pick you and the kids up." Steve's answered catching her off by surprise and all she did to cover it up was a smirk while she got out of the car and walk towards the building.
Hey my dudes umm it's been a long time since I've written anything just kinda been in a slump but I just finished season four of stranger things ... no spoilers here anyhoo I hope you enjoy!!

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