56. Saying Goodbye!!

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Tommy has been in the hospital for 2 months. Since he's been here he has coded twice and they were able to revive him. I spent days in the chapel, praying for a miracle. One day I was praying, I heard a voice "babygirl, you have to let him go, his daddy is coming to get him". I jumped, turned around but I didn't see anybody. Just then the nurse came to get me. Her name was Nurse Lane.

Nurse Lane: Mrs. Hanson, your husband wants to see you.

Me: in a minute. I was crying, she sat down beside me, she hugged me.

Nurse Lane: honey it's going to be okay. I lost my husband to the same thing 5 years ago. We were married for 30 years , we have 4 children & 3 grand children. I know this is hard, but I promise it gets better.

Me : it doesn't feel like it. I cried.

Nurse Lane: I know but you have to be strong for him .

I went to see Tommy. I felt like this was the end.

Tommy: babe come here .

I was crying, I went to him. He looked tired & pale.

Tommy: babe call for the kids, & our friends.

Me: tommy no!! Please.

Tommy: Jasmine do it now, I don't have much time . I was sobbing . I called for the kids and our friends, the Jump Street crew.

We all were in the room with him. It was official Tommy was dying. We all were crying. Especially the kids. I laid beside him. I was sobbing. The kids sat on the bed.

Tommy: oh boy, he sighed.

Tommy: listen I love all of you. Even you Booker. We laughed.. I love you guys so much , I never thought this would happen to me, but it did. I'm going to miss you all dearly, but I will always be with you all. No matter what !! He broke down. We all did too.

Me: tommy please no!!

Tommy: baby, I see my daddy. He's coming to get me. He has your mama, & daddy with him. Your daddy is a cool dude. He started singing .

"At your best, you are love" I finished the song .

"You're a positive motivating force within my life"

He finished the song .

"If you ever feel the need to wonder why let me know". He cried .

Tommy: baby, I love you. I love you so much. You have made me the happiest man alive. Don't forget about me. Please carry me in your heart,cause that's where I'll be.

Me: yes baby whatever you want , I love you please take me with you. I cried

Tommy: I wish .. I wish I could..

He was fading out.

Tommy: I love you Jasmine Hanson.

Me: I love you Tom Hanson.

Tommy: my forever

Me: my always. I cried.

Just then Tommy coded. For the final time. They tried reviving him . It was too late. He was gone. We all broke down. I screamed




I fell to the floor. Everybody hugged me. We all cried together.

"No Tommy , no!"

"My baby". I cried

😍You Spin Me Round, Round baby😍 A 21 Jump Street Love StoryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora