27. Separation

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I was working on alot of cases. The kids had a lot of school projects. I was wiped out most of the time. Tommy was working alot too. Lately we have been going through a rough patch, arguing alot. We would argue about stupid shit like who moved the remote to tv. I knew that is was something deeper going on. Honestly i was tired of arguing with him. I love him but I can't keep doing this. My credit card bill came in the mail and we argued about that and this was the last straw for me.

"Jasmine you wanna explain this bill"?!

"What about it tommy"?

"You maxed out your credit card again"!!

"Oookkay and I'll pay the bill "

"It's not about that, it's the fact that you use this card to buy senseless shit, stuff you don't need. we do have other bills and four kids you know"!?!

I got so mad.

"No Tommy I didn't know that". I was being sarcastic.

"Really so you think this is funny "?

"Tommy did I laugh. I just think you're being irrational, we have never had income problems, and we always pay our bills. So get off my back ".!!

I walked in the kitchen. He followed me.

"Oh I'm sorry am I bothering you because I'm talking about bills"??


"You walked away like I'm bothering you . Like you don't wanna hear what I'm talking about".

" Because I don't. It's gonna get handled. So shut up".

He got mad and just like that we were arguing. Arguing loud. The kids were standing in the hallway, staring. I glanced over there at them and it hit me. I couldn't do this anymore. All we seem do is argue lately and it's affecting our children. I stopped talking and walked into the bedroom.

"What are you doing"?

"Tommy I'm sorry, but I can't do this any more"

I started packing my things and went into the kids room and started packing their things.

"What do you mean you can't do this anymore?"

"This. Us. All we do is argue and it's hurting our kids, hurting you, hurting me.. this isn't healthy. We are toxic ".

Tommy eyes were filed with tears so was mines

"So what are you saying"?

"I'm saying, I . We need a break."

" A break? From what our marriage "?


He was crying. So was I .

"So you're leaving me"?

"Yes Tommy but it's only temporary. We just need some time. Time to figure out if we wanna stay married".

" I thought you loved me"???

"I do love you that's why I'm doing this".

"Married people don't take breaks Jasmine, they work things out."

"Tommy this has been going on for months now and we haven't worked it out."

"Jasmine please don't do this to me baby I love you". He was crying.

" Tommy I love you too more than you'll ever know but I'm sorry I can't do this right now".

"Omg ". He cried and punched the wall.

"Tommy stop it you will scare the kids."

"Jasmine tell me what I need to do, I'll do anything, I'll sleep on the couch, I won't bother you, just don't take my babies and leave me" he was crying.

"Tommy I'm not taking your kids, you can see them whenever you want, and when I say we need a break, I mean away from each other, not in the same house " I was crying.

I grabbed me and kids bags and walked out of the room. he followed me .

"Kids I want you to put your shoes on, grab whatever toys you want, and put your jackets on. Wait in the living room for mommy. We're going on a little trip .

" Is daddy coming mommy"?

I looked at Tommy.

"No sweetheart just me and you guys".

They started to cry. I did too. I hugged them

"Babies it's okay". They went in the living room.

"Really Jasmine "?

" I'm sorry Tommy" he was crying

"Jasmine please "!! Don't leave me "

I kissed his cheek. Grabbed the kids and bags then left. Tommy slid down to the floor and sobbed. It was offical we were over.

I went and got a hotel room. I didn't want to be around anybody but my kids. I put them to sleep. I went in the bathroom, sat in the tub and cried. I cried hard. I wanted to go back but I didn't. I'm tired of arguing with him. I need a peace period ..I need to figure out if I wanted to stay married to Tommy. I love him but this wasn't working. I needed time .

It's been a month since me and Tommy separated. I eventually got an apartment. It was just me and the kids. Tommy begged me everyday to come back but I didn't . The kids go back and forth. We went to marriage counseling. I told our therapist that I didn't wanna divorce Tommy but I was tired of the arguing. Tommy would just sit there . He was so angry at me for leaving.

I missed him very much but I needed time. I hated this shit. I wanted to be with my husband. I just needed time . So I stayed away. It hurt me everyday. It hurt our kids but I knew that arguing Infront of them every other day was hurting them more. He would call and talk to the children every night and we would talk some as well.

"Jasmine please come home baby, it will be different".

"Will it?"

"Yes baby I promise".

"I don't know Tommy,I'm not ready".

"Baby it's lonely here without you and our kids. I miss being with you. I miss holding you. Please"

"I'm coming home eventually not now".

"Okay baby whatever you want I won't pressure you" but I'm not giving up"

"Me either".

Little did I know. I was about to make a stupid decision that could cost me my marriage foreal. It's crazy what loneliness will make you do. I was lonely . Isn't that crazy? I had a gorgeous, loyal husband and all I had to do was go home to him but me being stubborn got in the way. Now I may loose him forever.

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