55. This is unreal!

6 1 0

I just sat there thinking. Everybody tried to get me to calm down. I was so hurt. I can't loose my husband. My world was literally crumbling Infront of my eyes. I've been with Tommy for almost 20 years. We have 6 children. If he leaves me I will be alone not literally, but I will feel alone. He is the only man I've known since Jump Street...you know in that way. I can't imagine life without him. The nurse came and talked to me.

Nurse: Mrs Hanson, your husband is awake, the Dr just spoke with him, he wants to see you?

Me: okay thanks. Judy offered to come with me, I told her it was okay, she walked me to the door. I saw Tommy, I felt so weak, I couldn't breathe. She hugged me & walked away. 

Tommy: hello, angel come here please. I walked over to him. I couldn't help but cry, I noticed he had tears in his eyes. I sat down on the bed beside him. I just sat there. I rubbed his hand. He squeezed my hand. I cried.

Me: oh tommy, baby... I .

Tommy: shh, jasmine I already know. & It's okay. It's going to be okay. It's going to work out.

Me: Tommy did he not tell you? If you don't get a heart soon, you won't make it..I sobbed..

He kissed my hand.

Tommy: baby he told me. I'm well aware Hun. Listen to me, if I make it I make it, but If I don't babe, that's okay too. I've lived a happy life, I have beautiful children, a amazing wife, I had a great job, I've been around the world, babe I'll be okay. Jasmine I'm in a lot of pain, my heart is weak, I can't continue like this. I don't wanna leave you , my,kids or my grandkids. Hell even my mom.. but I don't want to be in pain Jasmine. I don't.. and if staying here means me being in pain.. I'd rather leave. I want a new heart, but babe it could be months, a year before that happens. I ain't got that long. 

Me: Tommy what are you serious?

Tommy: yes babydoll, I'm serious.

Omg there's that word again, babydoll! My dad used to call me that when I was little. Tommy never knew that. I've never told him that. Omg what was happening?

Me: babydoll? My dad used to call me babydoll. I cried

Tommy: & I know why.. he smiled. 

Me: Tommy you can't leave me.. I can't go on without you .

Tommy: babe, you can & if the time comes you will, but enough death talk. I'm still alive you know.. he smiled. I gave a half smile .

Tommy: buttercup, smile for me please.

I smiled but I didn't mean it . 

Tommy: now, please get get my sons. I wanna talk to them alone. All 3 of them .

I went to get them. They went to see Tommy. They were so hurt. They ran in there and hugged him gently. They all broke down.

Tommy: I want you guys to listen to me. I love you more than anything . My strong men. 3 versions of me.. if this happens to me and we all know what I'm talking about. I need you to be strong for your mama ,grandma, & sisters. Man, I'm hoping I can get a miracle you guys but I'm not gonna get my hopes up. I wanna make sure everyone is prepared for the better & worst. I need you to be there for your mama especially, it's gonna hit her the hardest, let her lean on you. Make sure you go see her. Don't leave her lonely. understand?

They all said yes...

Zach: daddy you can have my heart, God can take me man. He broke down

Tommy: hell no son,I would never want that, you have a family. 

Zach: so do you!!

Tommy: son, I'd rather you live...

Jeremiah: I don't understand why are they not fuckin helping you man,!!

Tommy: they are doing all they know how to do son. Don't get angry with them.

Josiah: daddy, I love you.. 

Tommy: love you too son. 

They boys talked to Tommy for a few more minutes then the girls.

Kiyah: daddy what can I do please tell me? She sobbed

Tommy: babygirl, be strong for your mama. Continue to be a good wife & mother. Finish college. That's what you can do for me. He kissed her hand. 

Julianna: it isn't fair!! Why did it have to be you? She broke down

Tommy: babygirl these things happen, it's life .

Harmony: well life's unfair daddy. They all cried. They spent time with Tommy. Then Booker, Judy & Penhall.  Penhall took it so hard, him & Tommy were best friends more like brothers. Tommy talked to his mama for a long time. Then Tommy wanted me again. 

Tommy: baby lay with me please

Me: tommy I don't wanna hurt you 

Tommy: you won't, baby please!

I laid beside him , he held me .. we cried together.

Tommy: baby no matter what, I love you , I will always love you, I'll always be with you.

Me: Tommy please take me with you.

Tommy: I wish I could but I can't babe . The kids need you..

Me: but I need you Tommy..

Tommy: me too baby. 

We fell asleep. I couldn't believe it. 

😍You Spin Me Round, Round baby😍 A 21 Jump Street Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now