19. Fun at the carnival, Visiting grandma.

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My mom had called me and told me that the carnival was coming to my hometown. I thought since me and Tommy was off work we could take the kids and that would give them an opportunity to see my mama. We would have to fly over 3,000 miles since I'm from Arkansas. Tommy has never been to Arkansas. The kids have never rode in a airplane either. I'm sure they are going to love it. We were getting the kids ready. Julianna walked up too me and said "mama"?. I was so happy. She hasn't really learned to talk yet . It was mostly just baby talk with her.

"Tommy come here"!!

He came in.

"Baby what's up"?

"Julianna talked she said mama"

He smiled . She looked at him and said "dada". Tom's heart melted.

"That's right babygirl, I'm your daddy" he picked her up. She started laughing and kissed his mouth.We laughed. He put her down. She ran in the living room. Our babies were growing up so fast right in front of our eyes. Kiyah was so smart. Her and Tommy have the best relationship. The twins were smart as well. And Julianna was the sweetheart of the bunch. The twins look so much like Tommy it's scary. Julianna looks like me and her sister but she definitely has her daddy's hair. They all do. Kiyah has beautiful hair as well. It's so hard when it's time to actually do their hair. The girls usually wear pigtails. And the boys either wear a ponytail or their hair down. Sometimes I braid their hair when I have the time and energy. They are so beautiful. We were headed to the airport. The kids were so excited. So were we. 9 hours later we arrived in Arkansas . We rented a car and went to my mom's house. We all had extreme jet lag. The kids were fussy.

We made it to my mom's house. She ran outside. I was so happy to see her. I've missed her so much.

"Omg my babies". She hugged as all. Including Tommy.

We went in Tommy got the bags. I helped him. We were going to stay with my mom since she had so much extra room. We put the kids to bed and went downstairs to talk to my mom.

"Mama I've missed you so much".

"I've missed you to darling, you look so good. Your baby weight is in all the right places".

We laughed .

"What happened to your hair?"

"I cut it a little".

She was a little disappointed.

"Tommy you look so handsome ".

He smiled

"Thanks mom" he kissed her check .

We talked for a while and went to bed. Me and Tommy slept in my old room. It felt so good to be home with my mama. We fell asleep.

The next morning my mama fixed breakfast. The smell was heavenly. We woke up to kids running through the house laughing and playing. We were used to it though. We laughed then kissed and went downstairs.

"Mama why didn't you wake me? I would have helped".

"Girl you needed to rest, you and Tommy work so hard and you guys always have them. I got it".

I hugged her

"Well at least let me help fix the plates "

Tommy said " and I'll get the Rugrats under control ".

We laughed. We all sat down and ate breakfast. Me and Tommy washed the dishes for my mom. She bathed the kids, did their hair and got them ready for the carnival. I told her she didn't have too but she did it anyway. That's my mama. I took a shower, then Tommy. I put on black overalls, a red tank top underneath, and red and white converse. I put my hair in high ponytail. Tommy had on a red polo shirt, with black pants and black converse. We were matching. Lol Tommy looked so hot and once again he had his hair in his face. That was my weakness. We went to check on the kids. They were so cute. So adorable. We all had on red and black. The girls had on red dresses, with red bows in their hair. The boys had on red polo shirts and black shorts. They looked so much like their daddy . My mama was looking cute as well. We headed to the carnival.

We had so much fun. The kids rode lots of rides. They also had ponies so the kids rode them too. Me and Tommy rode the scarier, adult rides. I was so mad at him for making me ride with him lol. I was scared. My mama laughed. We had carnival food. The kids had cotton candy. Tommy won me and the kids stuffed animals from playing games. He bought my mama some flowers. There was a ride that was called Lovers Pond. It was a boat ride on a beautiful lake it was for couples. Me and Tommy got on that. We made out the whole time we was on the boat. He also made me laugh and told me how much he loved me. We went back with my mom and the kids. They were having a concert on the river that night. Tommy wanted to take me. My mom said it was cool she would watch the kids. So we hugged and kissed them and they left . We grabbed a beer and went to the concert. I danced, danced, and danced. Tommy isn't much of a dancer so he just stood back and watched me. He smiled and laughed the whole time.

" You are so beautiful"

"And you are so handsome"

He kissed me.

"This was much needed " no cases, no Jump Street drama, just you, me and the kids"

"Yes tommy baby"

"I'm so glad you're my wife"

"I'm happy to be your wife"!

We slow danced for a while. Staring in each other's eyes. I wanted to be with him so bad but I wouldn't dare do that in my Mama's house. Lol I mean we are married but it still doesn't feel right Tommy agreed . We decided to have car sex. I know it's a little high school but ain't nothing wrong with being spontaneous. Lol

We went to a different lake. No one was there. Tommy was in the driver's seat. We were kissing and touching. It was so steamy even with the air on.

"You wanna get in the back"

"Uh uh I wanna get on top*

He laughed. I climbed over the arm rest. He let the seat back. I got on top of him and rode him reversed cowgirl. We both went insane. then we got in the back and he put my legs to the moon. This was definitely a night to remember. We went back to my mom's. Kissed the kids and went to sleep.

😍You Spin Me Round, Round baby😍 A 21 Jump Street Love StoryWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu