50. When things go absolutely wrong

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Ariel has really grew over the past few months. Zach & Jeremiah was out of school. They were now 19. Jeremiah left & went to school in Atlanta. Zach goes to UCLA with his sister. Him & Kayla had a baby. A little boy Tyler Terrell Hanson. They live in a apartment. They're doing great. Julianna is out of school also. She's in New York, pursuing her modeling career. Josiah is now 12 & Harmony is 10. They are the only ones left. I miss my older kids so much. They call me every other day. Tommy & were still holding on to each other. It was the 4th of July weekend & we decided to throw a big BBQ. Everyone came. The kids. Gina, Judy, Booker, Penhall, Fuller, even blowfish. We were having a good time. Music, fun , food, cards, dominos, & fireworks.

Things were going great untill they weren't. Tommy was standing at the BBQ grill. I can tell something was wrong. I walked over to him.

"Baby, are you okay?"

"Yes, I just feel a little light headed and my chest is a little tight".

"Omg , come on let's sit down".

"I'm fine baby really". He turned around, all of a sudden he collapsed. I caught him, and I screamed.. Booker, Penhall, Fuller , Zach, Jeremiah, & DeAndre came to help me. Tommy was unresponsive. I screamed and cried hysterically. So did the kids. We called an ambulance, I rode in the back with Tommy. I was hysterical.

"Baby omg! Please be okay!"

"Don't you leave me Tommy"!

We made it to the hospital. They took Tommy to the back. I sat in the waiting room crying. Everybody came. The kids hugged me & they were crying . Judy hugged me .

Me: omg, Judy tommy!!

Judy: I know honey he's going to be okay . She cried with me.

About 30 minutes later, the Dr. Came...

Dr: Mrs . Hanson? I ran over to him.

Me: yes I'm Mrs Hanson. Is my husband okay?

Dr: yes, he's stable. Your husband had a small heart attack. He's going to be fine but he does have congestive heart failure. He's going to have to take heart medicine and avoid strenuous activities. He also has to stop smoking.

I was crying.

Me: omg is he going to be okay?

Dr: yes with less stress, medicines, eating healthy. He will be fine. He's woke. He's been asking for you .

I walked into the room. I saw Tommy, I instantly broke down.

Tommy: shh , hey hey it's okay baby. I'm fine..come here please.

I walked over to tommy. He hugged and kissed me.

Me: Tommy, I thought you were... I broke down even more.

Tommy: shh don't say it baby. I'm here .

Me: Tommy I can't loose you

Tommy: you're not . I'm not going anywhere. Where are the kids?

Me: in the waiting room. Do you wanna see them Tommy?

Tommy: yes please.

I went to get the kids. We all came back . Everybody but Zach. They all broke down & Hughes their daddy . I went to find Zach. He was sitting on the hallway floor. He had been crying.

Me: Zach honey, your dad wants to see you.

Zach: mama, I can't. I can't see him like that. He broke down.

I hugged him.

Me: Zach he's okay, he's up & talking. He's going to be okay .

Zach: mama that's my fuckin daddy in there. I almost lost him!! I can't take it.

Me: son it's okay, I understand I can't loose him either but he's here. Let's go see him.

He finally got up, we went to see Tommy. Zach walked in. He broke down. He went to hug Tommy.

Tommy: I'm okay son. I'm okay. He cried a little. Everybody came and spent a little time with Tommy. Then they left. The kids wanted to stay. So they slept in the waiting room. I was in the room with Tommy. I was sitting next to him holding his hand with my head on his chest. He had his eyes closed, he was humming our song.

Tommy: babe, sing to me. Sing our song.

I smiled.

"At your best you are love , you're a positive motivating force within my life"

"If you ever feel the need to wonder why let me know". I started crying. Tommy rubbed my hair.

Tommy: babe I'll be fine.

I couldn't believe what was happening. Heart failure? He's 43 years old. He's still young. I can't loose him. I would never be the same. The kids would never be the same. I sat there watching Tommy sleep. All of our memories together flooded my mind. I don't understand. Tommy is healthy. He works out. I hated the fact that he started smoking . Now he has to quit. It's going to be hard but he has to.

The next couple of months was rough. Tommy was so frustrated because he couldn't smoke anymore. He was frustrated because we couldn't have wild sex anymore. He couldn't do any hard work around the house, he felt like a void. He was so upset. I was so worried about him. The Dr told him he could possibly get a pacemaker, but Tommy refused saying he wasn't a robot. One day Tommy wanted to have sex but I was scared. I didn't want to hurt him.

Tommy: Jasmine please, we can have sex we just can't do it how we used to.

Me: Tommy we can't, you're still healing from.your surgery and the Dr said no strenuous activities. Tommy you have to listen.

Tommy: you think I'm going to let some Dr tell me I can't have sex with my wife? You're crazy.

Me: Tommy please wait.. we have time I'm not going anywhere.

Tommy: it's okay , I knew you would loose interest in me, once I got sick. I know you think I'm a void.. he cried.

Me: Tom Hanson, I have not lost interest in you. I love you!!! Tommy I'm worried about your health. One wrong move and you could die. I don't want that.

Tommy: I guess now you will get a younger guy, who doesn't have heart problems, who can screw you with no problems! He went into the bedroom. I cried & followed him.

Me: Tommy I can't believe you. Why would you say that? Even think that? That's not true. I only want to have sex with you .

Tommy: then let's do it..

Me: Tommy we can't.

Tommy: fine leave me alone I'm going to sleep

I just stood there in disbelief. I couldn't believe him. I felt so bad. I just didn't want to hurt him. I went into the living room to watch TV. The kids were over their sister's house. I decided to go see Judy. Big mistake ...

😍You Spin Me Round, Round baby😍 A 21 Jump Street Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now