46. Graduation, Freshman Prom, & Marriage Proposal's

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It was official our babygirl, our oldest daughter Kiyah was graduating high school. I was very proud of her. She has worked so hard and did her best . Her & DeAndre were still dating. They went to prom together. Tommy was so irritated about her dress. It wasn't that bad. He was just being a dad. Since she wasn't a virgin anymore, we just told her make wise choices. Our twins were in 9th grade, and they wanted to go freshman prom . They both had dates. Tiana & Kayla. They both were so pretty & respectful. Tommy and his son's had a funny talk before the prom.

Zach: daddy, we got this. We got the hottest dates in school.

Jeremiah: yeah we're going to be the envy of every dude there.

They laughed. Tommy shook his head.

Tommy: ok enough with the idiot competition talk. What are you going to wear?

Zach: jeans and a nice shirt.

Jeremiah: yeah me too.

Me and Tommy laughed hard.

Tommy:to the prom? Really?

Jeremiah: yeah what are we supposed to wear?

Tommy: a tux.

Zach: wait we gotta dress up like that?

Jeremiah: man I hate tuxes makes me feel like a butler or somethin

They laughed. We just looked .

Tom: well you don't wanna go in there looking like anything do you? You wanna embarrass your dates?

Zach: nah, not really daddy I like Kayla.

Jeremiah: yeah Tiana's cool too .

I laughed. Tommy rolled his eyes. 

Tommy: alright so tomorrow we're going to find you tuxes and your mommy is going to do something with that hair because no! And you gotta get your girls some flowers & corsages. Ain't no son of mines gonna be looking lost . We're Hansons!!

Zach: dang all of this for a date and we ain't even getting no.. he stopped

Tommy: yeah I thought so. And don't worry about getting none of that or you will be in your room my guy...

Jeremiah: I like Tiana I just wanna be with her. 

Zach: look at dude he's in love. He laughed.

Me: what's wrong with that son?

Zach: nothing mama, I wanna fall in love one day it's just gonna take me some time. Kayla understands. I just looked at him , boy was he looking like Tommy.

They wore bandanas around their head sometimes like Tommy did when we was working at Jump Street. Sometimes he still wears them too .

Tommy: yeah well you just make sure you don't make any mistakes before you fall in love if you know what I mean .

Zach: yes sir..

My boys were characters. They were growing into young men. It was time for the prom. They were so handsome. Zach wore his hair in a ponytail and Jeremiah wanted braids to the scalp. They both had so much hair. Zach wore a white tux with a royal blue shirt and Jeremiah wore a black tux with a red shirt . They grew out of the twin dress alike thing when they got older. Tommy rented them a limo & driver for the night. I took a bunch of pictures. They were getting impatient. Tommy gave them strict rules. They finally left. I sat on the couch and cried I was holding Harmony. Tommy sat beside me.

"Baby what's wrong"?

"Tommy my babies they're not babies anymore , they're young men. Pretty soon they won't need me anymore". I cried. Tommy laughed

"Trust me baby yes they will".

"Tommy did you see them? They're so tall and handsome, deep voices, and omg all of that hair. They look just like you".

Tommy smiled.

"And thats not all they have dates beautiful dates. But that Zach I worry about him"

"Yeah me too. He's the younger younger version of me".

"And Tommy Kiyah is graduating in two weeks. She's going to college. The twins are 14 . Julianna is 13, Josiah is 7 and Harmony here is 5. Tommy we're loosing them". I broke down Tommy laughed

"Baby we're not. They aren't going anywhere "

He kissed me 

"Omg I'm having a mid life crisis " I laughed

"No baby you're a mom! All mom's feel this way . At least some of them ".

The twins came home. I hugged them and kissed them . Tommy laughed.

Zach: mama okay that's enough

Jeremiah: now I smell like perfume

We laughed. 

Tommy: I want details.

Me: I do too. Go get undressed first.

They came back 

Zach: well Kayla kissed me. We looked 

Tommy: where ? I looked at him

Tommy: I mean when? How?

I laughed.

Zach: on my mouth, she kept doing it. She kept hugging on me too. Like girl control your hormones.

We laughed.

Jeremiah: I think me & Tiana broke up. She kept worrying about her hair & makeup. I went and danced with another girl. Lia.

Zach: you mean Lia with the big... nothing

Tommy: watch it son your mama is in here 

Me: Tommy it's okay they're boys. I'm prepared for these talks.

Tommy: that's fine and all but show some respect is all I'm saying.

They both said : sorry mama

Me: well I'm glad y'all had fun. Jeremiah baby I'm sorry about Tiana..

Jeremiah: it's okay mama. She'll be calling tomorrow.

We laughed . I shook my head. They kissed me and went into their rooms.

"Well on that note I need some wine".

"Me too and make it a double ".

 We laughed.

It was time for kiyah's graduation. I was so proud of her. I cried the whole time. Tommy shed a few tears also. We threw her a party afterwards. Everyone came. Even the whole Jump Street crew. We were having a blast. DeAndre had a announcement. We all listened. He kneeled on one knee Infront of Kiyah.

DeAndre: I love you !! Will you marry me?

Kiyah: yes! Yes I will. They kissed.

Tommy: oh hell no!!!

Me: OMG....

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