28. Alejandro Rodriguez

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I was assigned to a homicide case. I was going to be partnered with some new guy. I really wasn't in the mood but it was work. I was at the office waiting for him. Thats when I saw him. He was handsome . He was really tall, slim, he had grey eyes. He was a cutie. He walked up too me.

"Detective Hanson"?

I was staring. I snapped out of it

"Yes I'm detective Hanson but you can call me Jasmine nice to meet you"

" Same. I'm Alejandro Rodriguez but you can call me Nicky, my grandmother gave me that nickname I'm still not sure why".

We laughed. We went over the case. After work. We went back to the office.

"So Jasmine would you like to go get a drink"?

I wanted to faint.

"Um I'm married".

"Yes I know that" he laughed .

"I actually know your husband, my partner worked with him before".

"Well I probably shouldn't go, I don't want people to get the wrong idea".

"Oh, come on it's just a drink, strictly platonic, we can even talk about the case some."

I thought to myself one drink couldn't hurt. Big mistake.....

"Okay let's go"

We took separate cars and went to a local bar. I called Tommy from a pay phone.

"Hi baby"

"Hi Tommy listen I'm gonna be stuck at work for a while can the kids stay with you tonight"?

"Of course, you don't have to ask . Is everything okay"?

"Yes why do you ask?"

"Just asked. I'll let you get back to work love you"

"Love you to " I felt so guilty being here, and lying to Tommy. I should have just left but no my dumb ass stayed there. We had a few drinks. We laughed and talked. I told him about my kids and my marriage . He was very understanding. It got really late. We were getting ready to leave little did I know that Penhall and Dorothy was there playing pool and he spotted me. He said to himself omg. He walked up too us .

"Um hi Jasmine he hugged me

"Hi Penhall "

"This is my friend and partner Nicky"

Penhall stared at me .

"Nice to meet you"


"Jasmine can I talk to you for a minute"?

"Sure "

Nicky said " I'll wait for you outside"

"Jasmine what the hell are you doing"?!

"What do you mean"?

" You're on a date! You and Tommy are still married. What's wrong with you "?

"Penhall I'm not on a date. He just invited me for drinks. And I'm well aware that I'm a married woman so is he"

"Jasmine don't you think that this is wrong "? Hanson has no idea"!

"Me and Tommy are separated, but I would never cheat on him"

"That's right you guys are separated, not divorced. this is wrong "

"Penhall its innocent. Look I gotta go see you later".

I left. Penhall didn't know what to say or do. I met Nicky outside.

"Sorry I took so long we were caching up. Thanks for inviting me out but I should be getting home it's kind of late. I had a nice time."

"Me too. ". We stared for a moment . Then he kissed me . I pulled away.

"I'm sorry jasmine".

"Nicky I gotta go". I ran to my car. I couldn't believe what just happened. I broke down crying. What did I do? How could I do this to Tommy? I went home.

Penhall felt sick on the way home. He thought to himself I gotta tell Hanson he's my best friend if I don't and he finds out that I knew he would never forgive me. He decided to go over there. He knocked. Tommy let him in .

"Hanson I know it's late, I'm sorry but I gotta talk to you ".

"It's cool I was just watching tv. What's up "?

Penhall was struggling to find the words .

"Penhall just tell me".

"Hanson I saw jasmine tonight".

"Wait you were at her job"?

"No she wasn't at work ".

Tommy felt sick.


"Me and Dorothy were at Smurfs and I saw Jasmine with some guy sitting at the bar laughing and talking. He looked so infatuated with her".

Tommy was hurt and upset.

"What are you sure "?

"100% sure".

Tommy's heart sunk. He felt so low. He thought to himself how could she do this to me?

"Did you talk to her"?

"Yes. I told her that she was wrong. She totally acted like it was okay".

"Wow I can't believe this. I can't believe she lied to me. Told me she was working late. That's why she couldn't come get the kids".

" Man I had to tell you. You are my best friend. I would want to know if It were me*.

"Thanks man . You did the right thing." Tommy broke down.

" My wife man. My fuckin wife. She's with another guy"?

"Idk if she's with him now but they did leave together."

Tommy threw the tv remote across the room

"What the fuck"!! "All of this time I'm thinking she needed time to figure things out . Shes dating other people". I could choke her".

"Hanson calm down. I don't know if it was a date" and you better not hurt her".

"Penhall I would never touch her I said I could choke her".

"What are you going to do"?

"I dont know man". Tommy cried. Penhall hugged him.

"Well whatever you decide I'm here".

"Thanks man . Penhall left". Tommy just sat there and cried .

Back at home I was feeling so guilty. I felt sick I threw up. While sitting on the bathroom floor I glanced at the calendar that I used to keep track of my periods and I noticed that I hadn't marked any dates recently. I thought to myself OMG. I threw up again. How could I miss this? I could be pregnant and I was drinking. Omg I cried. I went to CVS and got a test. I went back home and took it. I waited for the results and it was positive. Omg. I cried. I'm pregnant again and look what I just done. I felt so horrible. I went to lie down. I rubbed my belly.

"What did I do"? Baby I'm sorry"..

I cried myself to sleep.

Hell was about to break loose. Tommy knows about Nicky. I just didn't know it yet. We're separated and on top of that I was pregnant again with baby #5. How could I be so stupid? How could I let Nicky kiss me? Omg....

😍You Spin Me Round, Round baby😍 A 21 Jump Street Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now