11. Heartbroken 😩

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I haven't talked to Tom in two days. He's been calling and calling. I won't take his calls. Fuck him I thought. How can he do that too me? I'm pregnant with our baby. Damn I miss him. His smell, his touch, I need him to hold me so bad. I cried and cried. His court date was coming. I couldn't stand it. I wanted to be next too him. I missed being with him, sleeping next too him, fuckin him. I missed it all. Plus this baby needs him. Ugh!! I was talking to the girls.

"Girl I know you miss him talk to him"

"No I don't Fuck him"

They laughed. 

"Girl you know you can't live without him"

" I can and I will"

They rolled their eyes. 

"He hurt me y'all "

"He didn't do nothing you know he didn't he was innocent"

"Give him a chance to explain"

They was right. My baby wouldn't cheat on me. He loves me I knew that. I do miss him. I can't be without him. 

" Im going to see my baby y'all" Fuck this" I'm not gone let her break us up"

They screamed " yes finally"!!

Back at the station Tom was talking to Doug.

"Doug I messed up man "

"Tom give her time she'll come around"

"Fuck I wish I wasn't in here. I need to see her. I miss her her smell, her taste, being with her omg"

"Ew man too much information "

They laughed ..

"It's all true man. I gotta get outta here man I have too I need to be with her and my babies".

"It's gonna work out man even when you least expect it" 

He tapped Tom's shoulder and pointed . There I was coming down the hall Doug saw me. Tom's face lit up when he saw me. I walked in.

"I'll let you two talk. "

Doug hugged me , rubbed my stomach, then left.

I looked at Tommy and he looked at me. That's when it happened we were kissing. So passionately. Omg I've missed this. He picked me up and out me on the table. 

" Tommy wait we can't do this here".  

We laughed.. 

We both said "Sorry "

"Baby I would never hurt you like that. I love you too much. The babies. Y'all mean to much to me. Jackie is a bitch I should have never let her come in here. I thought she genuinely wanted to help me. I'm just trying to get out of here."

" I know baby I should have trusted you I'm sorry but don't worry I believe you baby"

" You do"


He kissed me. He held me . Omg I needed this so bad..  I missed Tommy holding me at night and in the mornings.

We talked for a while and I got sleepy as hell. So I decided to go home. Fuller was real cool about letting me visit Tommy. 

I went home. It was time for a Dr visit. I hated Tom couldn't be there but I had my girls with me. The Dr gave me another ultrasound. He was a little concerned. I said oh no what's wrong. He said nothing I hear two heartbeats. I said "what"?! He said "yes Ms. Jasmine you're having twins". The girls screamed!! Omg twins. What the fuck??!! Lol. We went out to eat at Texas Roadhouse afterwards. I was stuck on twins. Me carrying twins. Tommy's twins. The girls was excited hoping I was having boys. Truth be told I was nervous as shit. I was prepared for two kids but 3 omfg!! 

It was time to tell Tommy. I went to see him . 

"Buttercup I've missed you"

"Me too baby"

We kissed. 

"How was the Dr appointment "?

I was scared to tell him I just took the picture out of my pocket and handed it too him. He looked at it and then looked at me.

"Holy shit!!! Twins?"


"Holy shit"!!! He picked me up and spun me around and kissed me so passionately.. I was so relieved. I thought he would be nervous or scared. Thank God he wasn't.

"Baby I gotta get you outta here"

"Hell yeah you do"

We laughed!!!

I went home. Laid down and rubbed my belly. Kiyah was sleeping I held her tight. I thought to myself my 3 babies. Mommy and daddy loves y'all so much. Even though Kiyah wasn't biologically Tommy's daughter he treated her like she was. Little did I know I would have to fight for my babies life. Danger was to coming to me and I would have to fight literally fight to save my babies. 

The next morning I shipped Kiyah off to daycare. Tommy's trial was today. I wore a black and blue pinstripe suit, with black baby doll shoes. I wore my hair down but left it curly. I was on my way out the door. I had a folder with the evidence against Frank Ferrell . I thought to myself today Tommy is coming home. That's when a black car pulled up and a man grabbed me. I fought hard. Kneeing him and punching him. We ended up inside the house. He kicked me. Threw my down and I got up swinging. I eventually kicked his ass , left him there. I grabbed the folder and ran out of the house and called the police. They were trying to get me to go to the ER I said no I'm fine I'm not bleeding which is good . I have to make it to the the courthouse.

At the courthouse Tommy was worried Fuck where is she where is my baby.

"Judy Gina have y'all seen her?"

"No she was on her way"

Fuller walked in and told them I had been attacked . Tommy clinched his fist. Fuller said he was almost certain Frank Ferrell put that hit out on me. Tommy, Judy, and Gina broke down. Tommy said "I have to go let me outta here". Fuller and the girls calmed him down. Fuller said "don't worry she is on her way" . I have a police escorting her here." "she refuses to go to the hospital she wants to make sure you get out" .

I arrived at the courthouse. I ran to Tommy he hugged me so did Judy and Gina. Fuller made me go to the hospital said that he would make sure Frank paid for all of this. Judy and Gina came with me

The Dr checked everything and everything was fine. The babies were fine. I said "thank God".

Fuller called the hospital room I was in and said " Tommy's coming home"!!

We all screamed "yes "

Omg my baby Is coming home. I cried. Finally we can be together with no problems or can we??

😍You Spin Me Round, Round baby😍 A 21 Jump Street Love StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz