22. A letter from a angel

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I read the letter that my mom wrote out loud.

My sweet dear children,

I'm so sorry I did not not tell you about my sickness. I did not want to bother y'all. You guys are grown and have your own lives and responsibilities. I didn't want you guys to worry about me.i have dealt with sickness for 6 months and I'm tired of fighting. Let me go in peace. I am ready to reunite with your daddy . I have enjoyed being your mother and a grandma to your babies. Take care of them. Tell them I love them and will miss them so much . I will be watching over them from heaven . I wish we had more time. Cancer sucks. Jasmine my sweet babygirl my oldest child I was so young when I had you . You remind me of myself. You are strong, kind and so humble untill you're pissed off. You have met your King. Let him take care of you and those babies. Tommy is so much like your father even though he's not gang affiliated. I see a lifetime of love and happiness in you guy's future. Corey, Antonio and Maurice my 3 soldiers. I love y'all. Take care of your sister . Get close with her. All y'all got now is each other. Corey my fighter, Antonio my protector, and Maurice my safe space. You three are like earth, wind, and fire. You guys have brought so much joy to my life. I love all four of y'all so much. Don't worry about me I'm okay now. Your daddy has come to get me. I see him in Tommy's eyes. Tommy take care of my daughter. Help her she is going to need you. I love you so much. I'll be watching from heaven. 

Love always mom. .

We all cried. cried hard my brothers hugged me. In the envelope with the letter there were 4 checks each for 100,000. We all looked .

"Holy shit" 


We all broke down... Omg my mama left us this. Damn !! We didn't care about the money we wanted our mama back. 

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