49. New addition to the Hanson Family

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It has been 4 years since Kiyah & DeAndre's wedding. She was now 22. The twins were 18, Julianna was 17, Josiah was 11, and Harmony was 9. I was 40, and Tommy was 42.. you should see Tommy now. He has tattoos everywhere, he smokes alot . And for some reason he has a few gold teeth 😉 . He plays the guitar alot too, he also taught the kids how to play. The twins look just like Tommy in his younger days. Just imagine Tom Hanson with longer hair. I swear they were Tommy's clones. Julianna grew out of her Tom-boy phase. She is dating a guy named Kyle. Tommy doesn't like it. He says all the time "omg I can't loose another one". I laugh. She is the girl version of Tommy. Zach & Kayla are still together after he did all of that tough talk about not wanting to fall in love he definitely was in love. Jeremiah dated different girls. I couldn't stand it. Him & Tommy would argue about it all the time. Josiah was my artist he loved to paint & draw. He had Tommy's eyes but everything else he got from me. He is more quiet & reserved. Then there's Ms. Harmony my twin. She was the dancer, she did ballet. She had Tommy's personality & attitude. Me & Tommy was happier than ever. He was so handsome. He highlighted his hair with with blonde streaks and he had a full beard and mustache now. He took my breath away. I died my hair a burgundy, maroon, cherry, like color. It was gorgeous. Tommy would tease me and say" my wife is going get mad I'm cheating on her ". Me & Tommy both were still detectives.

Kiyah & DeAndre were happy. They had a small apartment across town . They both went to UCLA. She worked at the bank & he worked at manufacturing company. They both made time for school which was amazing. I was so proud of her. I was happy for her and DeAndre they were doing so well. One day she came over and wanted to talk. I was sitting in the living room.

Kiyah: mommy I need to tell you something.

Me: let me guess, you're pregnant or you think you are?

Kiyah looked shocked. She just stared and started to cry. I hugged her.

Me: baby it's okay.. have you took a test?

Kiyah: not yet. Mama I'm scared. We're still in school, we work alot. A baby was not in the cards yet.

Me: welcome to marriage dear.

We laughed

Me: baby it's going to be okay, I will help as much as I can. First we gotta get you a test.

We went to get one , we came back , she took it. We were waiting for the results.

Kiyah: mama you're not mad?

Me: no honey, you're grown, you're married, you have your own house and job. Why would I be mad? I was pregnant when I was 22 with the twins girl . I'm not mad baby.

Kiyah: omg daddy!! She sighed

Me: now he might get mad!! We laughed

Me: but what can he say, you're grown. You're married .

We looked at the results. It was positive. I screamed . She cried.

Me: omg I'm going to be a grandma!!!. Wait no, he or she can call me Big Mama. Cause grandma sounds kind of old. I'm only 40. Baby it's going to be okay. I promise.

Kiyah: ok mama. What about daddy?

Me: we will tell him together. When gets home. Don't worry it will be okay.

Tommy came home, we were sitting on the couch. He greeted us. He looked at Kiyah. He sat down.

Tommy: how far along are you? When did you find out?

We both looked at each other.

Kiyah: wait how did you know?

Tommy: babygirl, it's in your face. Plus I have 5 biological children, I know that look. I saw it on your mama . Are you okay? Did you tell DeAndre?

Kiyah: I'm okay daddy & no I just found out. I'll tell him tonight when gets off.

Tommy: congrats baby, I'm happy for you. Make sure you tell DeAndre. Be careful and try not to let it happen back to back. Put some space between them.

Kiyah: you're not mad .?

Tommy: mad? Not at all. My babygirl is going to be a mom. Family just got bigger. I'm going to be a paw paw.

He smiled. We laughed.

8 months later . JaKiyah gave birth to a beautiful babygirl Ariel Winter Hopkins. She was so beautiful. She looked alot like her auntie Harmony & she has DeAndre's features to. We were all so in love with her. Tommy especially. He would have her all the time. Harmony got a little jealous because even though she was 9 she was still a daddy's girl. Julianna would babysit her alot. Tommy would tell her " don't you get any ideas young lady,"! We would laugh.

😍You Spin Me Round, Round baby😍 A 21 Jump Street Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now