23. A funeral & Anger

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It's been a week since my mama passed away. I couldn't believe she was gone. Her letter really got to me and to mention her leaving us all of that money. I was not myself. I tried to be strong but it was so hard. Tommy was strong for me. He was so patient with me . We were having her funeral in Arkansas. Everyone from Jump Street was coming down. Judy and Booker was bringing the kids. Gina and her husband was coming from New York. It was the day of the funeral . I was not prepared. I put on a black fitted long sleeved dress, gold high heels, with gold accessories. I wore my hair curly all over . Tommy wore a black suit. I didn't put on any makeup because I couldn't stop crying. Tommy was there for me .I couldn't breathe.

"Baby it's okay I'm so sorry"

"Tommy I don't understand, why her?"

He didn't know what to say, he hugged me tight. It felt so good.

"Baby I'm here for whatever you need, I got you".

"We all do" I turned around it was my whole Jump Street crew. I broke down. We did a big group hug.

"Omg thank y'all so much". They smiled.

"Baby you ready"?


Tommy held my hand and we went and got in the funeral car. I put shades on because my eyes were so puffy from crying. We arrived at the church. I couldn't breathe. We all walked in . Tommy sat next to me on one side and my brothers on the other side. They all had their arms around me. The jump street crew and my kids sat directly behind me. We all were crying. The kids were crying because we were . The choir sung beautiful songs. The preacher gave a wonderful eulogy. It was time to go see my mama one last time. Everyone went. Then it was our turn. My brothers went first they broke down they decided they would let Tommy go with me. I got up Tommy helped me and I walked towards her casket and I collapsed. My brothers, Tommy, Gina and Judy helped me up and walked me up there. I took my shades off. I laid my head on the casket.

"Mommy " I screamed and cried.

"Please wake up mommy"

"My God help me" I screamed and I cried. They all held me. Tommy was right behind me.. I walked away.

"Omg" I started fighting, like throwing a tantrum. The babies were screaming because they thought I was hurt. They took me out of the sanctuary. Tommy, Judy and Gina tried to calm me down. My brothers was there to.

"No get off me get the fuck off me"!

"Baby calm down please".

"Jasmine please "

They were all crying.

"I want my mama" I cried

After that I blacked out ...

Later that night I woke up in a bed at a hotel. It was dark out. I looked around there was Tommy, my babies, Judy, Gina, Booker, and Penhall. I went out on the balcony . I felt so numb. I couldn't cry anymore. I was angry . Tommy woke up and came out there .



"Are you okay"?

"Do I look okay? I sure don't feel okay"

"I'm sorry "

"No I am I didn't mean to go off ".

"What happened "?

"You passed out"

"Did I go to the hospital or something"?

"No because you were okay ".

😍You Spin Me Round, Round baby😍 A 21 Jump Street Love StoryUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum