38. Secrets, Lies & Betrayal , Tommy finds out .

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It's been really hard keeping this secret form Tommy. I felt so guilty. I wanted to protect my daughter but Tommy was my husband. It's like we was walking around on egg shells. JaKiyah didn't go on dates with DeAndre for a while. I told her that she wasn't allowed to see him unless he came over to the house and they sat in the living room. She understood. Tommy found it a little weird at first but didn't say anything. I couldn't believe what was happening. I knew if Tommy knew the truth he would be furious. Just when I thought things were okay , that's when all hell broke loose. Tommy was helping me clean the house one afternoon while the kids were at school. JaKiyah left one of her bags in the living room. He went to put it in her room and Lord behold this girl had condoms on her dresser. Tommy saw them and he became furious . All he saw was red. He yelled .

"Jasmine!!!" Almost made my soul leave my body. I went to see what was wrong.

"Tommy what's wrong"?

He picked up the condoms and showed me. I instantly felt sick. My heart stopped .

"Why does she have these? She's having sex Jasmine"!

I knew it was time to tell him . I knew I couldn't keep this secret any more.

"Tommy calm down please".

"Jasmine don't tell me to calm down!. Our daughter has condoms, clearly she's having sex! How are you this calm?" Wait you know something don't you"?

I looked really nervous. I felt sick.

"Tell me now Jasmine"!

"Ok Tommy listen. JaKiyah told me she had sex with DeAndre two days ago".

Tommy's eye's grew dark. He looked sad , and angry.

"What the fuck did you just say to me"?

"You heard me Tommy . Please don't make me repeat it".

"So let me get this straight, our daughter told you she had sex two days ago and you felt like you couldn't tell me "?!

"Tommy she asked me not too. I wanted to but she was so afraid of what you might do". Why did I say that? His anger grew.

"Are you serious Jasmine? Are you fuckin serious? You let a 17 year old tell you what to do? You let a 17 year old walk and here and tell you she's having sex and you decided to keep it a secret"! Are you hearing yourself right now?"

"Tommy please calm down let's talk about this like adults please".

"Oh now you wanna talk to me? Now you wanna sit down and talk like adults? Now that I find condoms in her room you want me to calm down? You've known she was having sex for 2 days. This is news to me. You know what hurts Jasmine? The fact that you felt like you couldn't come tell me"!

"Because I knew you would act like this Tommy".

"How am I supposed to act? What am I supposed to do buy her a car? Congratulate her? She's 17 Jasmine. She's still in school. They have no idea what they are doing. So of course I'm going over react"!

"Tommy look I'm not happy about it either. I hate she did It okay. But baby I was prepared for this. she's 17 . I was around her age when I had sex and got pregnant with her. I'm not making excuses for her at all I swear. "

"Unbelievable "! He walked away. I followed.

"Jasmine I can't believe this, my little girl." He broke down. I hugged him.

"Tommy look it's going to be okay. We will talk to her ".

"Oh I'm going to talk alright ".

The kids came home. JaKiyah came in . We were sitting on the couch. Tommy was so angry. So was I. I mean I knew about her having sex but I told her to act normal and what does she do ? Leave condoms on her dresser .

"Kids go to your room now. Everybody except JaKiyah"!

JaKiyah felt sick. She knew it was over her secret was out .

"Sit down " she sat down

"So when were you going to tell ME that you had sex"?!? She looked at me

"Omg mama you told him"? She broke down.

"Oh no ma'am you're not asking the questions here I am. And she didn't have to tell me I found condoms in your room "!

"Why were you in my room"?

"Excuse me what"? Why was I in your room?" Young lady I don't need permission to go in your room this is my house "!

"So did you have sex"?

"Yes daddy I did. Im not your perfect little girl anymore".

Tommy looked hurt.

"I see. Well you're grounded and you can't see DeAndre anymore ".

"You can't do that "!

"I just did !"

She broke down.

"I hate you "! I wish my real daddy was here"! She ran into her room.

Tommy broke down crying and kicked the table. He was headed for the door.

"Tommy please wait"

"No Jasmine she's right I'm not her daddy. She can do whatever she wants ". He left.

I broke down crying. I couldn't believe this was happening. I went into JaKiyah's room.

"Young lady what's is your problem"?

"Mama he had no right snooping in my room".

"No you had no right talking to him like that . We are in the wrong. We should have never kept this from your daddy. You had no business having sex. Then you left condoms on your dresser? That's really responsible Ja'Kiyah. You're grounded untill further notice and you will not be seeing DeAndre or talking to him on the phone understand"?

"Yes ma'am I'm sorry".

Tommy drove around. He felt so low. He was hurt. His daughter his babygirl wasn't a baby anymore. Why did she feel like she had to keep it from him? Why did she tell her mama to keep it from him? Why did Jasmine agree to do it? He felt so betrayed. Not to mention she said she hated him.

😍You Spin Me Round, Round baby😍 A 21 Jump Street Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now