33. Tv interviews & Shy Tommy

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Somehow our pictures caught some kind of media attention. We don't know who they even got a hold of them. We were in magazines and newspaper. The headlines titles was "L.A's hottest detective duo" & "fighting crime & falling in love". Tommy didn't like the attention and neither did I. In our eyes we were just two ordinary people, with ordinary jobs & lives but to the world we were some kind of iconic couple. You see Tommy was a really shy, down to earth person, very humble. He didn't like to be praised for things. I was a very private, down to earth, mysterious person. We were reached out to by a tv show host asking us to come on their show. We told them we would think about it and get back with them.

"Jasmine I really don't wanna do this, I mean the kind of attention this is going to bring to us and our family."

"Right. I don't want that either. Maybe we could just do one and get it over with, hire some manager, PR or something to make sure we're protected and just get it over with ".

"Ok whatever you wanna do babe, it's cool".

"Are you sure"?


Turns out we didn't have to hire anybody. All of that was going to be provided to us if we agreed to do the interview. We made it clear that we were only doing one tv appearance and that was it. We also wanted to make sure that our kids would be left out if it. It was time for the t.v. appearance. They asked if we could dress up like detectives we awkwardly said sure. The name of the show was called "Talking with Tiffany".

"Today on Talking with Tiffany. We have special guests for you guys. Two detectives, two sexy detectives, who were featured in a calendar as two of the hottest detectives but you may know them as L.A.'s Hottest Detectives. Please welcome Tom and Jasmine Hanson ".

The crowd went crazy and we walked out. Tommy was so shy. He would do things like scratch his hair or twirl his thumbs.

"Thanks for coming*.

"Thanks for having us ." We both said .

" So you guys are definitely the talk of the city right now"!

We laughed.

Jasmine: " it certainly seems that way".

"So I know that this is all new to you guys but how does it feel"?

Tommy:" it's weird actually. We were doing something for a good cause and all of a sudden were we on the front of magazines and in newspapers." He laughed

Jasmine:" right. Like we don't even know how it happened ". We laughed.

"So you guys met at work "?

"Yes we did".

"Are now you're married"?

"Yes ". We smiled. I grabbed Tommy's hand.

"Any kids*.

"Um yes we have 5." 3 boys 2 girls*.

"Wow". The crowd screamed and said awwwww!

"So what is it like being a police*?

Jasmine:" um it's great actually. It gets crazy sometimes but it's what I love to do".

Tommy:" my dad was a cop . So I kind of wanted to follow his footsteps*..

"Any crazy, scary cases?"

"Lots of crazy cases, sometimes sad and scary".

The interview went on for like another 35 minutes and then it was over. We was bombarded by paparazzi afterwards we declined to answer any questions but we did sign autographs and take pictures with our fans.

Afterwards Judy, Penhall, and Booker took us out to celebrate. We had a good time. We went home and got in bed .

"Baby that was crazy "

"Yes it was . I'm glad it's over."

We were a little worried about being on t.v since we were once undercover cops but we were protected...

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