41. Tommy & Our Younger Kids

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Tommy and our younger kids are a different story. Harmony is his shadow. She is so attached to her daddy. He would be laying  on the couch, and she would grab her blanket, lay on his chest and suck her thumb. She is a daddy's baby. She cries whenever he leaves the house. Soon as he gets home she will be right under him. It is so cute. Julianna is our tom-boy. I try to get her to dress more girlish but she won't. Tommy hates it but he loves her anyway. She is more attached to me than she is Tommy. Then there are times when she wants her daddy like when she has cramps or is not feeling well , she cuddles under him. She is 12 by the way. Josiah is Tommy's best friend. They are so silly together. Josiah has grew out of his mean stage a little bit he still has his moments. He is so protective over Harmony. Josiah says that I treat him like a baby mind you he's 6. He wants to be a big boy untill he has a nightmare then he wants mommy I laugh. 

Tommy is so great with all of our kids. He is the best daddy at least he tries to be. We have a big family. One day the most weirdest and funniest thing happened. I had just got out of the shower. I put on fitted shorts and a tank top. My hair grew back long  I didn't cut it off this time. I left my hair down. I decided to clean up a little. I was a little irritated because the kids leave their things everywhere. So I was a little fussy.  The kids were helping me clean, so was Tommy.

Tommy: baby you know I could help you put that fire out! He had that look in his eyes.

Me: Tommy there isn't any fire in here tonight, it's gonna be really cold tonight. I was a little cranky because I had cramps and every since I got my tubes tied my periods hurt worser.

Josiah: don't worry daddy I'll help you put the fire out show me where it is?

Everybody stopped, looked and burst out laughing. The older kids knew what he meant unfortunately, so it was very funny to them .

Josiah: what's funny?

Me: nothing baby your daddy is being silly.  I hit Tommy's arm.

Harmony: bad daddy. She laughed

Me: yes baby daddy is very bad .

Harmony: mama are you going to whoop daddy?

Tommy: yes mommy are you going to whoop daddy? He laughed.

Me: no baby and if daddy doesn't shut up ,he will be on the couch. 

Tommy: the couch? Ouch! See Harmony you got me in trouble. I thought you was my girl? He faked like he was crying.

Harmony: I'm sorry daddy don't cry. She hugged him.

I smiled ..

Tommy: I know how you can make me feel better Harmony?

Harmony: ok daddy what?

Tommy: give me lots of kisses. He picked her up and she kissed him all over his face.  We all laughed. 

Harmony: mommy make daddy feel better give him kiss

I kissed Tommy. 

Zach: get a room 

Julianna: like for real

Kiyah: like right now 

 We all laughed.. 

My mama was right. I met my king and I had little princes, and princesses.

😍You Spin Me Round, Round baby😍 A 21 Jump Street Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now