1: Introduction

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Introduction: Year is 1988. Jasmine is a 22 year old African American girl who just finished the police academy. She is very popular at her precinct. She does great on all of her cases and has a wonderful partner Regina Martinez but everybody calls her Gina who is also Jasmine's best friend. Jasmine got pregnant in high school and has a beautiful little girl and her name is Ja'Kiyah but they call her Kiyah. Kiyah's dad was murdered after graduation during a drive by shooting. He never met his daughter. After her child's father death Jasmine wasn't the same but she was good at hiding it. She hasn't dated or went out on any dates since he died. He was the love of her life and high school sweetheart. All of that will soon change when she transfers to a precinct called 21 Jump Street. There was a case that came up and her captain sent her and Gina out there to help them do it. It was a tough one. Someone was selling underage gang members automatic weapons on the street and one of the jump street members had been shot during a drive by. Captain Fuller reached out to the captain who was over Jasmine and Gina's precinct and asked for assistance with this case. The captain said "I have the two perfect girls". They left that night. Jasmine's daughter would stay with her grandmother Jasmine's mom. Jasmine doesn't know it yet but she is about to meet the love of her life who is going to spin her head around and sweep her off her feet in a crazy way

😍You Spin Me Round, Round baby😍 A 21 Jump Street Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now