Surface pressure

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This small chapter is packed with various chaotic events and I tend to exaggerate things as usual...just a heads-up! 😄

Please ignore the mistakes🙂

"Stop sulking" Jin said, sighing as he slipped into a baggy sweater watching Jungkook aggressively mix a salad"That salad will turn into a smoothie at this rate. We'll have to sip it through a straw!" he teased with a smile

"Okay, now you hate my salads?" Jungkook retorted as if he was offended by Jin's statement

Jin squinted his eyes and stared at him , annoyed"Stop acting as if you are hormonal... I'm the one carrying your big ass baby" he rolled his eyes.

Jungkook's eyes went wide "Stop calling my son big. He is a normal size!"  he insisted.

"He is not a normal size" Jin countered. "I know the doctor said he's fine, but he's making me pee every five minutes by pressing on my!! " Jin snorted.

Junkook quickly moved near Jin "If you need to pee all the time, then you should stay home. You know the doctor also said your stress levels are off the roof, so stay here!! Watch a movie or something " he suggested, trying to sound serious but failing as a mischievous grin tugged at the corners of his lips.

Jin sighed dramatically "Yoongi has a boyfriend..."

"Who said anything about him?" Jungkook asked, trying to sound as innocent as possible

Jin shook his head in annoyance "What's wrong with you? Stop being jealous. He's my ex..I broke up with him and he in a relationship . And I'm your boyfriend ..carrying your son... remember?" He retorted, crossing his arms

Jungkook scoffed unable to contain his laughter "Jin, you still literally roll your eyes at the grocery store bagger, and it turned out he was thirsting over you, not me."

Jin shrugged nonchalantly "Anyway, he deserved an eye roll. Also, I need to see Yoongi! He's been calling me, and we need to do this for your prince, right? And it will help me concentrate on something else other than my family drama. It's good."he assured

"Yeah... I know that!! sorry, baby. Ignore me!!" Jungkook sighed, feeling a twinge of guilt. He nodded in agreement as Jin reassured him.

"Love you, and be careful. Don't walk fast. Watch your steps. And you..." Jungkook started to express his concerns, but Jin silenced him with a tender kiss."I know. Love you too," Jin responded softly "I'll be back soon. Go to work, and don't think too much. I'll call you after " he promised before heading out the door.

Yoongi graciously pulled out the chair for Jin as they settled into the cozy ambiance of the restaurant for lunch. Jin's smile lit up the room as he eased into his seat, appreciating the small gesture of chivalry from his friend.

"So, how have you been?" Yoongi asked, as he sat down opposite Jin

Jin let out a big sigh before speaking"Well, let's just say the so-called pregnancy glow is more like a myth... It's been all about crazy nausea, endless trips to the bathroom, cramps, and discovering new areas of my body that can swell up, so... yeah, fun times!!" he said making Yoongi chuckle lightly

"But despite all that, I'm genuinely excited... Can't wait to meet him!!" Jin added while lovingly touching his belly

Yoongi nodded thoughtfully "Honestly, I never saw Jungkook and you... together! It was really a surprise " he admitted, his curiosity getting the better of him.

Jin smiled and nodded "Believe me, neither did I... But here we are, officially dating!" He shrugged "That man whom I hated so much is my boyfriend and the father of my child now... Who would've thought? I guess life always has other plans for us, no matter what we do right?! If it went according to our plan we might have been married by now... And you wouldn't even have met Hoseok and my baby wouldn't even exist " he reflected, shaking his head with a fond smile.

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