Something there!

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All the institutions and it's rules and the places mentioned is fictional .


"Good morning, Mrs. Jeon," Jin greeted warmly as he stepped into the front yard of Jungkook's home, finding Jungkook's mom engrossed in the morning newspaper.

Heejin looked up, her surprise evident in the slight lift of her brows. "Hello, honey! You woke up early," she said, folding the newspaper and setting her glasses aside

Jin let out a sigh, "Yeah, morning sickness is a bitch..." Suddenly, his eyes widened, and he hurriedly covered his mouth, apologizing, "Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to say it like that, Mrs. Jeon." He bowed apologetically.

Heejin burst into laughter, seeing Jin's panicked reaction. "It's okay, I understand. I've been through it twice, remember! Also, I told you, call me Mom or Auntie or anything you're comfortable with. 'Mrs. Jeon' is way too formal!" She said with a warm smile,

Jin smiled, "It's a habit! Sorry, Mom, I guess."

Heejin chuckled, "Now, that's better. Do you need something to drink or eat? Anything special you're craving?"

"No, I'm alright. I'll let the nausea pass," Jin replied."Aren't you opening the restaurant?"

She shook her head, "No, I thought we would close for today too. I guess we'll get to know each other a little better. You guys leave tomorrow; we only have so much time."

"Really! God, I feel so bad for ruining all your routines. Honestly, I didn't have any idea Jungkook was bringing me here," Jin expressed his concern.

"Come sit near me," she smiled and called Jin. He nodded and sat beside her on the bench.

"These things don't wait for anyone, right? Anyway, it's fine. We both deserved a break," she told him, gently stroking Jin's hair.

Jin nodded and appreciated how she resembled those mothers he had only heard about. He knew for sure taht his own mother would never show affection like Jungkook's mom did.The most love she had shown was her time limited hugs he received on his birthday's and his dad didn't even did that.

"So, can I ask you some things?" Jin inquired after a while.

"Sure," Heejin smiled and nodded

"I never knew you were a chef... how long have you had this restaurant?" Jin inquired.

Heejin shook her head. "He didn't tell you? Oh, well, this one is fairly new. Jungkook's dad and I moved to Seoul from Busan when Hannie was a baby . We started it back then..Their dad passed away in a car accident when Jungkook was 2 months in my belly...and i took care of it after that.."

Jin's eyes went wide hearing Heejin's history. Despite the trouble with parents he had never known any difficulties in life ...especially financially..and he felt thankful for the life he had "You did? Oh, I didn't know! Wow!! I guess I knew Jungkook, but we were never really close to know much about each other's personal lives," he admitted.

Heejin smiled. "Jungkook and Jimin met in school there too!!"

Jin nodded, biting his lip, unsure if he needed to ask this question, but Heejin seemed friendly, and he disliked mind-gaming, taking a risk. "Yeah, I knew that... Don't get me wrong, Mom, but Jimin went to a bougie school, and..."

"Haha, how did my Kookie afford to go there?" Heejin interrupted with a laugh.

Jin smiled awkwardly and nodded

"He did go to a fancy school consider it as just a mom's proud words, But my boy is brilliant. He was selected for a big scholarship and got admitted to Jimin's school. He also got into the national university for studying architecture... he is very talented in drawing and everything. You saw those paintings in the restaurant... Kookie did that." Heejin said proudly

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