Adventure is out there!

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Warning : My funny bones ( i think!!)are on a high!! 🥲🥶


Jimin opened the door to his apartment, looking relieved to see Jin and Jungkook standing in front of him. He let out a big breath and smiled

"Thank goodness you're here! I was about to spill everything. I have been so restless and Tae keeps asking questions, and I had nothing to say. I even thought of breaking up with him! Because I can't keep this in any longer"Jimin blurted out anxiously.

"Dude, what's going on?" Jungkook chuckled, finding Jimin's anxiousness funny.

Jimin pointed at Jungkook. "You! ..You arethe reason we are all in this mess!"

Jungkook looked puzzled. "What did I do?" he asked innocently, facing the glares from both Jin and Jimin.

Coughing to break the tension, Jungkook adjusted his jacket. "Okay, ...I... might have done something, but let's not play the blame game right now, ok!!" he suggested trying to defuse the situation

"Hyung, why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be at work?" Taehyung came in from inside surprised to see Jin and Jungkook at his door on a working day.

"Heyy Tae..I called in sick..i had some ..stuff to deal with ," Jin said with a loud sigh.

"Ohh dad's gonna go mad!! I m on leave too..!because ..I thought he was sick, ..apparently...but he seems fine now. Jimin, why aren't you in bed?" Tae questioned with a frown looking atJimin

"Ahh..ohh.." Jimin stumbled on his words, forgetting he had been pretending to be sick before Jin and Jungkook arrived to escape his fiancée's questioning session.

Taehyung understood that there is something fishy on between the other three which they were trying to hide but are failing miserably" Ok!! Who is gonna tell me what's actually happening here?? What is Jk doing here?" Tae asked, narrowing his eyes suspiciously.

"What the heck did you just say?" Taehyung's eyes widened as he abruptly got up from his seat, charging at Jungkook with a mix of shock and anger after listening to their "happy news"

Jimin reacted swiftly catching Taehyung's hands to prevent any impulsive actions. On the other side, Jin positioned himself between Jungkook and Taehyung. He knew his brother had a quick fuse, and he needed to diffuse the escalating tension.

"Baby Calm down, please,!" Jimin pleaded, his eyes flickering nervously between his fiance and Jungkook.

Taehyung creased his brows and looked at Jimin angrily. "Calm down?! So, you knew?" His frustration was evident in his tone.

"A little bit!!" Jimin admitted hesitantly. They were not used to keeping secrets from each other, especially something as big as this.

Taehyung closed his eyes, huffing. "I can't believe this! You kept this information from me?! Chim!!" Taehyung's gaze bore into Jimin, seeking an explanation.

Jin, sensing the need to intervene, stepped forward and firmly grabbed Taehyung's arms. "Tae, we both found out together. It hasn't been that long. He did it for me. Don't blame him, please!!" He said with pleading  eyes

Taehyung pushed his hair back annoyed and looked at his brother with big eyes " Damn it! Do you realize what is going to happen?! Mom and Dad are gonna lose their minds! You are already being bullied so much..shit!!" Taehyung's frustration echoed in his words. He knew his hyung was going to land in a world of trouble the moment their parents get hold of this information.

"I know," Jin said, nodding slightly.

Taehyung bit his lips. "What will you do? You can't be the old scared Jin. You have to be brave and fight them. They will surely force you to get an abortion; otherwise, you know that right!!" Taehyung expressed  his concern, well aware of the potential challenges ahead and how their parents would react.

His Dirty Secret( JinKook)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz