I Won't Say

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Hello, Spoiled readers!

Third update in a row in 8 days😂😂... I blame the comment section from the last chapter. I'm tempted to prioritize updating this book over the one I actually need to work on.

(A/N: Title is a song from Disney's Hercules)

Jin sat on the couch, staring blankly at the TV screen while anxiously chewing on his lips. The show playing in the background was nothing but white noise to him..his mind was elsewhere. Jungkook had returned from work and was getting ready to go out, but Jin didn't question his plans. He expected Jungkook to lie like last night if asked and he didn't want to put either of them in that position.

As Jungkook prepared to leave, Jin couldn't shake the nagging thought that this meeting might be related to someone new in Jungkook's life or perhaps someone from his past in this case.

Knowing that Jungkook was not very much interested in men and is still relatively young to start a family,he understood if he was trying to date or is showing interest in some woman and he did want Jungkook to be happy.However, he couldn't help but feel a heaviness in his heart at the idea of Jungkook being with someone else.

It wasn't Jin's place to comment on Jungkook's personal life, but he couldn't ignore the discomfort he felt. Perhaps it was the fear of losing their close bond or the uncertainty of how Jungkook's new relationship might affect their family dynamics with their child. Whatever the reason, Jin couldn't shake the feeling of unease he felt inside since last night.

"Baby!" Jin's thoughts were interrupted as he noticed Jungkook standing before him, carefully buttoning up a crisp black shirt, looking even more dashing than usual.

"Yes?" Jin replied, his heart racing with anticipation..wondering if Jungkook was finally going to confess that he was going to meet his girlfriend.

"Are you feeling alright? Are you feeling sick or something?" Jungkook asked

"No!!" Jin shook his head, his heart pounding with a mix of emotions.

"Okay... so, can you go out? Are you okay to come out with me?" Jungkook inquired.

Jin's eyes went wide "Huh? What?" He was taken aback by the unexpected invitation.

Jungkook nodded "I was going out to meet someone... why don't you come along? It's just a quick 5 minute thing, then we can grab dinner later. You have been cooped up here for days!"Jungkook suggested with a hint of excitement in his voice.

"Me?" Jin asked, pointing at himself while he still processed the offer.

Jungkook chuckled seeing Jin's shocked face "Who else, Jin? Any idea what you want to eat?"

Jin shook his head in disbelief, he had no clue what Jungkook was planning "No, I... I don't know."he shrugged

"Okay..There's this new Italian place that Jimin mentioned. He said you would like it too. Maybe we can go there! What do you think? I can move the meeting there" Jungkook suggested with a smile

Jin could feel his heart beating out of his chest. He bit his lips and looked at the younger with big eyes "Okay... but are you sure? I don't want to interrupt your meeting!!"he expressed his concern.He was most definitely not interested in meeting this woman.

Jungkook shook his head "No, baby, it's okay... go get ready. Twenty minutes is good, right?" He asked

Nodding silently, Jin watched Jungkook going back inside to finish getting dressed. He felt a lump form in his throat, realising that Jungkook might infact be introducing him to his girlfriend.

His Dirty Secret( JinKook)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz