A Magic Carpet Ride

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Few more fun chapters before we touch serious waters.Please ignore all the  mistakes

❗️❗️Warning : sinful things ahead 😉 Skip from second part if you are uncomfortable


"Jin?!" A familiar voice called out when he stood outside the mall with a french fry in his mouth in the middle of chewing.
"Ahh fuck, he muttered under his breath, spit the fry out, and wiped his face.

Jungkook suppressed a laugh, seeing Jin's horrified face.
Jin rolled his eyes at the younger man, shoved the fries box into his hands, and turned to look at the owner of the voice.

"Heyy mom!" He gave the fakest smile and the fakest enthusiasm Jungkook has ever seen.

"What are you doing with him? And what was that you were eating? fried food!!" His mom, Kim Jiwon, began to shoot him with questions without wasting any time.

Jin sighed "As always, such a pleasure to meet you, mom! We are deciding on stuff for Jimin's party..last minute things..its this weekend so.. so byeee.. lets go Kook. " He grabbed on Jungkook's hands and began to walk away.

"Stop right there! Jiwon yelled making jin cringe hard and stop .

"I asked you to come home to talk, and you are here galavanting with this jobless boy." She said angrily

"Mom!" Jin whisper yelled; he hated that his mom never hesitated to insult Jungkook at any chance she got. According to her and his dad, Jungkookn was too low-class and poor to be their children's friend.

"Excuse me, I have a job, "Jungkook said with big eyes.
"Yeah!! Right!! " She scoffed.
Jungkook snorted upon hearing Jiwon's all-too-familiar reply, "I get where you get your attitude from." Jungkook mumbled to Jin.

"Jin, stop going near him". She held Jin's hands and dragged him towards her.
Jungkook put up his hand, totally done with the mom-and-son duo, and stood away from them to give them privacy.

Jiwon glared at Jung Kook for a while before looking at her eldest. "Stop doing this; I have arranged your meeting with that young man. I'm sure his staff is going to vet you, and I don't want him to find out that this is what you do."
Jin groaned, "And what is this? a job interview! Why would he vet me, and also, I'm going to the party with Yoongi. I'm not meeting anyone."

"You broke up!" she said, gripping on to his hands.

"Who told you that?"

"Kim seokjin!!" She was already earning some looks from passersby.

Jins shut closed his eyes out of embarrassment. "Mom! Hushh, stop controlling me. I'm not getting married just because Tae is. And please stop arguing in public. You don't want us to end up in gossip news, do you?"

Jiwon looked around, swallowing and composing herself, and looked back at Jin.
"Kim Seokjin, you have some explaining to do, remember! and get away from that damned boy! "She warned him before walking away.

Jungkook came back near Jin and rubbed his back softly. He was watching his mom get into her luxury car and drive away. "Wow, she is sweet as sugar as always. "Jungkook joked

Jin looked at Jungkook with anger radiating from his face. "Sweet my foot! Fuck! I need some tequila or something. Is there a bar around here? "He began to search through his phone.

"Stop !!" Jungkook grabbed the phone from his hands.
"You had stuff to do. Don't forget that. Also, We have more interesting plans than tequila, "he winked.
Jin sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
" whyy!! Just whyyyy!!! Arghhh..I was so happy she had to ruin my day."

His Dirty Secret( JinKook)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz