Chapter 6- A Night Out

Start from the beginning

Lara sighed, "so you do think he's'wildly attractive'?!! and you do feel some sorry of attraction" She waggled her eyebrows suggestively, and with barely concealed excitement. I felt my face cloud with colour, realising what I had just admitted, I approached Lara menacingly..."Don't you dare start any of your matchmaking ideas with me," Lara laughed as she backed to the relative safety between the bed and the wall. 

"You are way over thinking this whole deal Cass. You realise he will be there tonight, and from what I've seen he will have eyes for nobody else."

I rolled my eyes, realising that the more I said on the subject, the more it would fuel Lara's imagination. But as I decided on a bright blue dress, turning to get a side view in the mirror, I did find my mind turning to what Max might think of how I looked. The back of the dress was scooped and cut away, falling mid thigh, I left Lara to tell me what the 'perfect' shoes for the outfit would be. Apparently the red stiletto heels with swirling sparkle designs finished the outfit. We laughed and joked. Knowing each other so well, mixed with the buzz of the school term being finished, meant that I could try to ignore the butterflies of nerves circling in the pit of my stomach.

Lara had text Ryan to arrange to meet at Tonys. A local tavern that had dining, bar and small dance floor. I had no intention of dancing, but smiled as Lara was eagerly sharing with me how she couldn't wait to be up close with Ryan. I hoped she knew what she was doing. These guys probably had woman drooling over them wherever they went.

Tonys was an easy walk from Lara's flat. Lara had grabbed my arm as we went through the main doors. The place was pumping full of people, the music and lights, and it made it easier to enter into the spirit of a 'night out'. I felt some of my reluctance to be out melt away, and some of the nerves of anticipation recede. I smoothed down the front of the dress under my jacket, syching myself up to enter into the fun of the night. We walked through the entrance, I scanned the immediate area, looking for Max and his friends. Before I spotted them I heard someone say "Hi lovely ladies!"

Turning around I found a smiling friendly face.  

"Ross!" I said smiling back. He reached out and pulled me into a hug. I laughed and patted his back good naturedly.

Lara and I had met him when he was a student teacher at the school last term. He had asked me out for a drink a few times, but although I enjoyed his company, it had never seemed to be a good time. He was a great guy. Casual, friendly, and very easy to be around.  

"What are you doing here? "  

"poor student," he said making a face, "they give me a few hours at the bar when they are busy. Tony and I seem to be getting along ok, so who knows, I might start getting something more regular." He winked at me.

He took our drinks orders and headed back to the bar. Lara and I headed to the bar following in his wake. Lara managed to find 2 stools side by side, and patted it for me to sit down. I leaned over into her ear saying "Where are the guys, how will we find them in here, short of standing on the bar? " 

She grinned, oh no, what was she up to? I knew that look and the nerves that had taken a back seat when Ross had greeted us all powered back up again. I groaned.  

"It's their job to find us, " she shouted. "Have a drink, we'll order some food, then dance. Come on Cass, I've got your back, you'll have a great night." She pushed my drink into my hand, I sighed, trying to get used to people being so close in my space as they reached between us to grab drinks they had ordered.

"Ross," she signaled with a wave, he smiled over at us "can you get the kitchen to get us 2 chicken salads and fries," Lara shouted over the noise. He nodded as he finished taking some money from a customer at the end of the bar.

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