Chapter 5- The Gym

Start from the beginning

Ryan and 3 of the guys from the squad were all getting started with some weights, boxing bag and were already into a spirited debate about the national Rugby team, The Blacks, against the French team tomorrow night.  

" The ref better keep his eyes open, no more of this turning a blind eye to off side play, " Ryan announced.  

"You are joking!" Steve said. Steve was the only married man in the squad, and somehow this gave him 'old man' status in our minds, although he was only in his mid 20's. Steve and Emma had gone to the same local high school and had been together through their senior year. "There's an Australian ref for a game against France, we'll struggle to stay on our feet with all their off the ball play and it isn't likely..." 

Steve was interrupted as Simon let out a distracted, "oh mannn, sorry to interrupt your keen analyse of the game but, theres a sight to feast on." We all slowed what we were doing, til whatever free weights or machine we were on, were in go slow, and turned to look towards the foyer.

A class had just come out of the group session room, mostly woman, with most wearing as little clothing as we were, but it was form fitting. I was about to turn away with a roll of my eyes, when I noticed Lara, a teacher friend of Cassie's from school. I hadn't actually spoken with her but I knew Ryan had and I suspected that they had been out for a drink once or twice. She was laughing with a group as they came out and Ryan was already moving towards her, he punched my shoulder as he went by with a smirk on his face. "Hey, Ryan wait up," Simon was on a weights bench and locked the weights bar in place above his head and rushed to be Ryans wing man, as he approaching the group of girls.

Steve set his weights back on the rack and announced he was off to the shower with a shake of his head. "Hey haven't you just got here? " I asked. Steve turned with a smile, "I suspect you will find that gym time could be over for the squad today. If I know Ryan, he'll be setting up a group date as we speak and I don't want to be included." he walked away laughing and shaking his head.

Talking and laughing coming closer made me turn. "Well, I've got tonight sorted," Ryan announced as he and Simon wondered back. I shook my head. "What have you organised?" I looked at him sideways.

"We're meeting up around 8, for the night, venue TBA" he smirked. I shook my head, "How old are you? "

"Dont get strung out, you're no saint yourself, I've seen you put on the moves with the right motivation, and I think you might be quite interested in joining us," he said with confidence. When I glanced at him he was looking back towards the foyer where the group class had long since emptied out, there stood Cassie looking uncertainly towards us as she filled her water bottle from the water cooler.

When I turned back, Ryan had moved off to start some crossfit training on the climbing ropes. I had to go and talk to her but I didn't have my head straight about what had even happened so, what to say? wouldn't sort itself, and my thinking this week had definitely confirmed she was worth it.

As I moved towards the foyer I noticed that Cassie was getting a good amount of attention from many of the people in the weights area. Some had stopped their workouts. One or two were laughing and calling out for her attention. As I almost reached her, a wolf whistle rang out. I glanced over and frowned. I noticed that Cassie had finished filling her bottle, her eyes down as she continued to try and screw on the cap.

"Hey," I said as I got closer, and came to a stop right in front of her, close enough that I could take inthe smell of her hair, but she didn't back away, reluctantly she met my eyes. "Small world," she said as she glanced sideways nervously. Not being able to stand this anymore, I reached out for her water bottle, one hand over hers the other taking the lid from her that she continued to fumble with, and screwed it back on, slowly and deliberately. I enjoyed the feel of her, being close, almost intimate with her felt good. "Need some help? Now I don't know what happened the other night," I plunged in, still holding her hand over the water bottle, "but I am sure we can sort it. My immediate reaction when you started getting agro, was to get angry. I'm sorry, this will probably annoy you," I smiled as she looked up at me, getting back some of the confidence I had seen the other night, "but you really are beautiful and so passionate. Come out for a drink with me tonight. We can talk and..," As I look down at her, our eyes locked the colour rising in her cheeks, I reached out to touch the hair falling from her hairtie, Hooking it behind her ear and running my thumb gently over her cheek. Right now I was wishing we didn't have an audience as I really wanted to close the distance between us, but knowing that Cassie wouldnt be comfortable with this I let my hand drop.  

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