🌌Dream 4🌌♊

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Life surely is good. It has its hiccups yes, but yeah it's good.
When my parents divorced, I was forced to move back in Thailand with my dad. That was a drag. I didn't cry or anything, I mean I missed my mom a lot at the start but I was able to adapt real quick. One, I am not the odd one out here. Plus since I came from the US I was treated like an instant Celebrity, so what's not to like. I wished that I didn't have to separate from Phuwin though.

We've been doing things together ever since I can remember so not having him around was an adjustment. But eventually I got used to being alone.

Well, I wasn't really alone because I was always surrounded by the friends I met here. I was a celebrity right.

Not only am I good academically, I am also well versed in music and sports. A total package.

I know that I'm good looking, a total jock so/use that to my advantage.

I have girls flaunting around me go I never lack asses to tap. I don't do relationships though. Relationships breaks and those stuff suck. I don't bother with commitments because I know that only leads to heartaches, like look at my mom and dad. Look at me and my twin, no one will stay with you forever so I'd rather just play.

I'm used to girls throwing themselves at me that's pretty normal. I don't feel anything they are just playthings that I can vent my frustrations with. I don't really get bothered by those pesky people.

But lately, there's this one person that always looks at me funny. I don't know what his deal was. He's familiar and a stranger at the same time.

He's familiar because I've been seeing his face since I transferred to a school in Thailand. That was sixth grade. We were schoolmates as well during secondary school and now I'm a university student, I still see him around.

He's a stranger because I have never actually talked with that kid. No interaction at all. Though he has a familiar face I never had the thought of reaching out to talk because the kid is just so wimpy. I don't have any interest at all.

What's bothering me lately is that I always see him looking at me. It's not just one instance, it's not random. Whenever I happen to look at his direction I see him staring at me. Then when our eyes meet he would look away looking flustered. It's been a few months already and it's freaking me out.

Last week my twin brother Phuwin suddenly came to Thailand from the US.
I was shocked but happy. When I saw him I suddenly felt the longing. I realized that I do miss my brother. He said he'll be here indefinity. I'm looking forward in hanging out with him.

Back to the strange kid. I. was taken aback when he suddenly walked up to me and asked if he could join me for lunch! What the F!
I was quick to say no, like it looks like he's interested in me but I don't tap fags and I specially don't like this wimpy ass of a kid.

Then my brother Phuwin suddenly visited me at the university, saw the interaction and instead of siding with me, his twin, he smiled at that freak and consoled him while chastazing me for being harsh.

The wimpy freak Just walked out not saying anything more. He was out of my mind for a good minute until as I was having lunch with Win, I saw that freak eating with another University student, acting all so sweetly accepting the food offered by the other student. For some reason I got irritated. He acted all interested and me then publicly flirts with some other guy. Not that I'm
interested, but I don't know why it makes my blood boil. I don't like it when people make a fool out of me!

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