Chapter 45, The Havan

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Emerging from the Pool of Winds, I felt different. Not physically, but...ethereal. A newfound confidence pulsed through me, an inexplicable strength that radiated outwards. My mother and Badi Mom watched, their faces etched with a mix of relief and anticipation.

"What was that?" I asked, my voice stronger than usual pointing towards the sticking to my body.

"The Pool's essence has seeped into you, Yami," my mother replied, her smile hesitant. "The ritual we're about to perform is Sadhna in the form of havan, with a sacred fire ceremony aimed at appeasing Agni Deva, the God of Fire. Agni acts as a conduit, carrying our offerings and prayers to the divine realm.  After Praying to Agni Deva  and thanking him for providing the conduit we will pray to Pavan Deva, The God of Wind. By bathing in the Pool and participating in the havan, you've begun the process of awakening the dormant power within you, a power linked to the balance of Anartha."

I didn't question her over anything as I was doing everything they asked with a view of getting answers after they were done.

With a flourish of her hand, Badi Mom made the entire havan setup materialize before us. A square pit filled with wood, or the havan kund. Around it lay various puja samagri, the ritual items. Mango wood logs, symbolizing purity and strength, were stacked neatly within the kund. Brass containers held ghee, a clarified butter symbolizing abundance, and milk, representing nourishment. Colorful havan powders, each with a specific meaning, were arranged on a plate.

Badi Mom continued, her voice laced with reverence. "We'll chant mantras, ancient hymns that vibrate with spiritual energy. These mantras will invoke Agni Deva and seek his blessings for a successful ritual. We'll offer the puja samagri to the fire, each item carrying a symbolic meaning. The ghee and milk will nourish the flames, the havan powders will ward off evil that may be trying to interfere, and the sacred chants will resonate with your awakened essence, helping us understand its true nature. In all, this ritual will seal and nourish the power that has awakened in you, preparing you for the challenges that lie ahead."

A tilak, a mark of sandalwood paste, was applied to my forehead. It wasn't just an adornment; it symbolized the awakening within me. The seriousness etched on their faces mirrored the gravity of the situation. They knew this was a crucial step in unlocking my potential, the key to saving the pool.

The havan began with my mother and Badi Mom chanting in a synchronized rhythm. Their voices, melodic and powerful, invoked ancient deities and resonated through the clearing. I joined in hesitantly at first, the unfamiliar Sanskrit words tripping on my tongue.

"Language, Yami," Badi Mom said gently, noticing my struggle, "has its own world, especially when it comes to chants and mantras. The way you speak them, the precision, the conviction, it all carries weight. Tantra, Mantra and Yantra are the three pillars of Sadhna which can be used to achieve anything you desire. 

Tantra is the procedure we are performing right now, Yantra is our bodies, our chakras that needs awakening.

You should strive to speak Mantras as we do, clearly, without any fumbling. It is important, for the mantras are not mere words, they are bridges, carrying our intentions and channeling the divine energy. The more precise you are, the stronger the bridge. Same for yantras, the focussed your body is the faster and precise the results"

I nodded, absorbing her words. As the ceremony progressed, a strange calm washed over me. The rhythmic chants became a hypnotic mantra, pulling me deeper into the ritual, more focused. And with each repetition, I felt a shift within myself. The unfamiliar Sanskrit syllables began to feel natural, rolling off my tongue with newfound ease. It was as if the chants themselves were awakening a dormant part of me, a part that resonated with the ancient language.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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