Chapter 12, Trust?

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Date: August 13

As August 14 approached, anticipation filled the air along with a lingering sense of uncertainty. It was Adam's birthday. A day that held significance beyond the ordinary. After the rift that had emerged among us, I saw this occasion as an opportunity to mend the frayed bonds and rebuild the trust that had faltered.Determined to make up for the past months, I decided to throw a grand birthday celebration for Adam.

The setting was none other than the mansion itself – a place that held both fond memories of our group together. I took it upon myself to personally invite everyone, eager to ensure that this day would be special and memorable. Aadhya welcomed my invitation with assurance, promising to be there. However, as I approached Samaira's house, my heart skipped a beat. Parked just outside her residence was Adam's car, an unexpected sight that triggered a rush of emotions within me.

Insecurity began to gnaw at my thoughts, and I found myself succumbing to the urge to call Adam to inquire about his whereabouts. 

Dialing his number, I braced myself for the conversation that would follow:

Me: "Hello?"

Adam: "Hey babe."

Me: "Where are you, love?"

Adam: "Now, that's a cheery voice!"

Me: [with a blushing smile] "Tell me, babe, where are you?"

Adam: "I am at home, love. But why? Do you need something? Should I come over? Are you okay?"

Me: "Yeah, I am okay, babe."

Adam: "Good, if everything is okay. But tell me, what is it? Why did you want to know my location?"

Me: "It's a surprise, love. Stay at home!" [call disconnected]

As I hung up, a whirlwind of thoughts and assumptions engulfed my mind. I desperately wanted to believe in his innocence, to dispel the insecurities that had taken root. Perhaps there were plausible explanations for his car's presence at Samaira's house – maybe he was helping her out, visiting Aadhya, or even socializing with other friends. My mind was a battleground of conflicting thoughts and emotions. Pushing these doubts aside, I continued with my task of inviting Samaira.

The door swung open even before I could ring the bell, revealing Samaira standing before me. My gaze involuntarily swept across her surroundings, a testament to my inner turmoil. I attempted to engage in a normal conversation, but my mind was preoccupied with thoughts of Adam. As the conversation turned to the party, I proposed, "So, 8 o'clock at the mansion? Tomorrow."

Her response was a simple affirmation, yet my internal struggle persisted. Leaving her house, my thoughts were a storm of uncertainty. I wanted to believe in Adam, to trust his words, but the shadows of doubt and the turmoil of last few months seemed to cloud my judgment.

August 14 arrived, and with it, a mixture of excitement and anxiety. I entrusted Ruhaan with the task of bringing Adam to the mansion for the party, scheduled to begin at 8:00 PM. However, the evening grew late, and there was no sign of either of them. My patience wore thin as time ticked away without any calls or messages. I anxiously checked my phone, hoping for a message that never came.As the night progressed, guests began to depart, they didn't say at the party but i knew what were they thinking. 

"A birthday party without the birthday boy"
"so, this is what IT couple's love life looks like"
"At least we got free booze and a drama to gossip about "

A sense of disappointment settled in. Drinks were dwindling, and food remained untouched. Frustration mingled with worry as I continued to wait, unwilling to give up hope. I Started Scrolling on my phone, attempting to glean any information about their whereabouts, but it yielded no results. 

Exhausted and defeated, I eventually succumbed to sleep on the couch.Upon awakening the next day, I found myself in bed, my head throbbing with pain. Confusion enveloped me as I tried to piece together the events of the previous night. The uncertainty gnawed at me, and I spent hours contemplating the possible reasons behind Adam's absence.A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts, and I hesitated before calling out,

 "Who is it?"

Harsh's voice replied, 

"Person answerable for the night."

Perplexed, I invited him in. His demeanour was one of remorse and apology, suggesting that he had taken part in whatever happened the previous night.

"How are you answerable?" 

I questioned, my tone a mixture of curiosity and frustration.Harsh explained, "I took Adam to a movie to ensure he was with me every second. My plan was to bring him here when the time was right. But things didn't go as planned."

He continued to recount how Adam had mysteriously disappeared after mentioning he needed to use the restroom. Despite his best efforts to locate him, Adam had seemingly vanished without a trace. 

Ruhaan entered the room, sharing a similar story that aligned perfectly with Harsh's account.As they explained their side of the story, I found myself growing suspicious. The synchronicity of their narratives raised doubts in my mind – was this a planned lie? My emotions were in turmoil, and my heart ached with the weight of uncertainty.Struggling to find words, I finally managed to say, 

"It's okay. You guys did your best. I'll talk to Adam and find out what happened last night. Now, please go and let me get ready for college."

As they left, I stared at the ceiling, overwhelmed by a mixture of emotions. The clouds outside mirrored my inner turmoil, and I whispered, "Don't worry, it'll be alright."In the midst of my contemplation, I noticed Adam approaching the mansion on foot. The sight of him was like a balm to my soul, dispelling the storm of doubts that had plagued me.

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