Chapter 23, I, Yami, Queen of Anartha

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Returning from the enigmatic realm of Anartha felt like stepping through a portal between worlds. The transition was seamless yet profound, leaving me with a heightened sense of purpose and an eagerness. As the ethereal gates of Anartha/Mirror closed behind me, I found myself standing in the heart of our palace, a place that had witnessed the tapestry of my family's history and the echoes of Anartha's secrets.
The air in the palace seemed charged with anticipation, and as I traversed the grand corridors, the murals on the walls appeared to come alive, depicting the stories of my ancestors. I was finally able to understand the meaning behind the paintings in the palace.  The door to my brothers' shared room stood ajar, revealing a scene that warmed my heart. Harsh and Ruhaan were engaged in a lively discussion, and Adam, Samaira, and Aadhya were there too, creating an atmosphere that resonated fear and uncertainity.Upon my entry, the room fell silent, and all eyes turned towards me. A cascade of emotions surged through me—joy at the sight of me on their faces and gratitude. They couldn't suppress the smile that graced their lips as they greeted me."Yami!" Harsh exclaimed, a mixture of surprise and delight in his eyes. The others echoed similar sentiments, and we shared a moment of unspoken understanding—a reunion that transcended the ordinary.

As we gathered in the familiar space, my brothers and friends bombarded me with questions about Anartha. I regaled them with tales of the creatures, the challenges, and the wisdom gained from the ancient beings. Harsh, always the pragmatic one, asked, "So, what now, Yami? What did you bring back from Anartha? " I took a moment to gather my thoughts, the weight of responsibility settling on my shoulders.

For Anartha being a spiral and other things, I still didn't know the role of other five in the realm, why could they see the Palace and the mirror. 

 "I've come back not just as Yami but as the heir chosen by Panna, ready to embrace the responsibilities that come with it." With a straight face, my eyes were still red from bawling, but i stood in a stiff posture for making a statement.

The five didn't seem so happy about it, no more with the cheeriness in their voice.

Aadhya, ever perceptive, raised an eyebrow. "Responsibilities? What exactly are we talking about?"I hesitated for a moment, knowing that my next words would shape the path that lay ahead and as Rukmi said not believe anyone so I certainly could not believe Aadhya as well. "Anartha revealed to me the intricate web of our family's history and the responsibility I bear as its heir. We are the guardians of Anartha, and our actions echo through generations. It's time for us to focus on our destinies and navigate the challenges that lie ahead."

The room fell silent as my words hung in the air, each person absorbing the gravity of the revelation. Harsh, breaking the silence, voiced the collective sentiment, "So, what's the plan, Yami?" I should have judged from his questions that something was up. They all had been to Anartha, and nothing happened to them. They all knew more than they were letting.

With newfound determination, I outlined a plan that merged our individual destinies into a collective purpose, I couldn't tell them everything I had seen in the palace, couldn't afford to take any chances.
"so for how many days I was out this time?"

"2 hours approx" Samaira replied in the soft voice. I was surprised that she had the audacity to even open her mouth in front of me. I know Adam was her boyfriend first but I didn't snatch him from her but she did snatch him from me. 

I just looked at her and looked away with a straight face and no reply what so ever.
"yeah 2 hours " Ruhaan said, My poor brother, in all the chaos and drama I forgot he got his heart broken too, He loved Samaira all this time, when she was warming bed with Adam. 

"This time you returned in 2hours, you are getting better at this baby sister" Ruhaan added

Keeping other feelings aside, the palace transformed into a hub of focused energy, as we delved into our respective paths. Adam, with his uncanny ability to decipher ancient texts, poured over the scrolls that held the key to Anartha's mysteries. Ruhaan, adept in the art of combat, engaged in rigorous training, preparing to face the challenges that lay ahead, I did not understand what was he training for, I was the heir, I should have been training. I could not let out what I knew and I had to get information from others about what they know and what was so intriguing for them.Samaira and Aadhya, with their intuitive connection to the mystical, explored the palace's hidden corners, seeking clues that could unravel the secrets veiled in its walls. 

Harsh, the anchor of our group, took on the mantle of leadership, organizing our efforts into a cohesive whole. His analytical mind navigated the complexities of our destinies, ensuring that each step we took aligned with the overarching purpose we aimed to fulfill.In the evenings, we convened in the garden—a place that had witnessed the laughter, tears, and dreams of our shared past. The garden became a sanctuary where our destinies converged, intertwined like the intricate patterns of a cosmic tapestry.

As the days unfolded, a sense of unity and purpose enveloped us. The echoes of our laughter reverberated through the palace, a testament to the strength of our shared resolve. Atleast I could look at Adam and not burst into anger with tears. Anartha had laid the foundation, but it was our collective will that would shape the narrative of our intertwined destinies.

At a point our research came to a halt and we found ourselves with a block, the answers to which could only be found in Dehradun.

We had someone take care of our tickets, luggage, school and the mansion. We were going back to where it all started and go on. Our destinies were in Dehradun, we bid good bye two our family. Finally seeing me smiling, made everyone calm.

And so, in the heart of Udaipur amidst the whispers of the Palace walls and the rustling leaves of the garden, we embarked on a journey that transcended the ordinary. United by destiny, bound by choice, we faced the challenges that awaited.

Who is with me and who is not journey will tell.

YamiOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora