Chapter 38, The Mark

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The first rays of dawn painted the eastern sky in vivid hues of orange and pink. With a resolute gaze towards the rising sun, I knew it was time to return to my throne. Two months had passed since my departure, and I could only imagine the state the realm must be in.

Gathering my focus, I summoned the familiar mirror. It materialized before me, its surface shimmering. "I have no doubt they've missed you," I murmured before stepping through its reflective surface and traversing the well-worn corridor once more.

Emerging into the palace gardens, I was met with a scene far different from my expectations. The air buzzed with joyous energy, and the people were adorned in celebratory attire, their faces etched with genuine smiles. Relief washed over me, replaced by a flicker of surprise. Nevertheless, the sight of my people's happiness filled me with warmth.

Dressed simply in a saree, I moved through the throng unnoticed. I observed them, taking stock of their well-being and the preparations underway. As I did, Ruhaan emerged from the palace doors, his eyes widening in recognition. He rushed towards me, engulfing me in a tight embrace. "Finally!" he exclaimed, his voice choked with emotion. Tears welled up in his eyes as others gathered around, their faces mirroring his relief.

Hugging Ruhaan back, I replied with a nod and a faint smile, "It was  about time, brother." Among those present were Rukmini, Aadhya, Samaira, Adam, Harsh, Radha Maa, Captain Aman, Sumeera, Rakshit, and Teepash. A wave of nostalgia washed over me as I recalled the day we first arrived, each assigned a mentor: Rukmini for my genus, Radha Maa for Ruhaan's, Captain Aman for Aadhya's, Captain Sumeera for Harsh's, Captain Rakshit for Adam's, and Captain Teepash for Samaira's. Back then, there had been 194 others, all assigned their guides.

Both Radha Maa and Rukmini's eyes glistened with unshed tears, while others stood with a mixture of emotions. A voice rose from behind, "My lady, let us escort you to your chambers." Without turning, I acknowledged the speaker with a low hum, my posture regal, power radiating from my stance. A slight tilt of my head towards the gathered crowd conveyed my farewell before I continued towards my quarters.

As I walked, passersby bowed their heads respectfully, a gesture I acknowledged silently. Upon reaching my room, I requested Amuni to wait outside, seeking a private conversation with Vikram. He entered and closed the door, finding me standing tall and composed, hands clasped behind my back.

He approached and spoke, "You didn't have to return so soon."

"Would you have permitted me to come otherwise?" I countered calmly.

"Never, my Queen. But  I would have gladly accompanied you" he replied earnestly.

"Did you believe I required an escort?" I inquired, my voice even.

Vikram bowed his head slightly. "No, my lady."

"Raise your head," I commanded. He complied, and I found myself enveloped in his embrace, the strength of his hold nearly taking my breath away. Briefly lost in the comfort of his presence, I listened to his heartfelt words.

"I understand you are capable of protecting yourself, but caring for you, my love, is an instinct I cannot ignore," he murmured, his eyes holding mine. "The world outside these walls is fraught with turmoil and danger."

A gentle smile played on my lips as I stepped back. "Ruhaan seemed happy on my return" I said with a playful glint in my eyes.

Vikram's expression faltered, a hint of disappointment clouding his features.

"Do they not act well?" he asked, his voice laced with a subtle undertone.

Feigning disappointment, I replied, "Don't I?"

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