Chapter 10, Unraveling Shadows

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Morning found us bidding farewell to others, departing for college by 10 AM. The day was meant to offer routine respite, but it transformed into an unexpected escapade, unraveling a cascade of events that defied explanation.

The village's simplicity stood in stark contrast to the enigma that had become our constant companion. Our journey was marked by laughter and selfies, a foray into the villagers' lives and routines. 

Their methods were steeped in tradition, yet their progressive thinking stood out, except for the elders who adhered to tradition with unwavering commitment. Their hospitality knew no bounds, evident in their generous offerings of food and drink.We sampled their delectable cuisine, finding solace in embracing our roots.

Adam and I found our moments together(Now when I think about it, other may really have been puking inside by our lovey dovey acts).However, the underlying reason for our prolonged stay persisted, glaring at us unyieldingly. Aadhya and Samaira didn't seem to be engaged in a conversation, despite our attempts to give them space and encourage it. Harsh, reaching the brink of frustration, intervened with Ruhaan. There were these unspoken words between the two that excluded me(I always envied this bond of them, talking with eyes. Uggh it was frustrating to the least). Silent exchanges transpired, and as Harsh approached Samaira and Ruhaan approached Aadhya, I anticipated their efforts to reconcile the conflicting parties. Yet, within a mere two minutes, a quarrel erupted between the pairs, resulting in Samaira and Aadhya in tears, only to reconcile shortly thereafter. Regardless of the chaos, our objective was achieved – everyone was content and enjoying themselves.(How did they do that?, How could they don't let me in, in the fun stuff). I always wanted a group of friends, who would just be there irrespective of my title and it felt like i finally found them. We clicked like hundreds of pictures together.

The day unfolded in a symphony of joy Adam and I trying to sneak and kiss each other and makeout but there was always someone to rain on our parade.  As night fell, we embarked on the journey home, our jubilant spirits led by the intoxicating effects of alcohol.(Yeah, we did used to drink too much for kids who weren't even allowed to drink).

Thankfully, we had a driver to steer us safely through the night, ( yeah! we knew ourselves that none of us would be able to drive so we called the driver)allowing us to revel in the euphoria that the evening had stirred. However, a sense of foreboding emerged when our driver halted the car, citing the need for a loo break. Minutes stretched. (I mean how huge was his bladder or maybe because of alcohol that we thought it had been like an hour, god knows)It was an uncomfortable wait as his absence persisted. Fueled by suspicion, Ruhaan ventured out to investigate, only to join our driver in an unexplainable disappearance. Concern morphed into alarm, compelling us to step out of the car one by one, forming a peculiar horizontal line on the road. What lay before us was a sight that defied logic and reason—a colossal palace that materialized seemingly out of thin air. 

Our driver remained unconscious on the road, a perplexing detail that accentuated the surreal nature of the situation."It's the same palace we saw that night, the one we forgot, on the night of club, the night we all forgot" Samaira uttered, her voice tinged with awe and trepidation. (Oh! now she remembered) The palace's beauty was undeniable, yet my conviction remained resolute—I knew that no palace had existed during the night we had come to the hiking spot as I was looking out the window the whole time. (a Palace that huge and beautiful must brought some awe from others if any else had seen it on the bus) Sleep had eluded me during that bus ride, and yet the palace's appearance seemed to challenge the reality I knew. Ruhaan's voice cut through the palpable tension, pointing towards the location where we had halted two nights prior. The convergence of past and present, the familiar and the unfamiliar, intensified our fear.(Alcohol working) Seeking clarity, we attempted to rouse our driver and, carrying him, retreated to our car, compelled by confusion and the undeniable weight of the unexplainable.(Somehow after standing there for a few minutes Alcohol wore off).

 The decision was unanimous: we would spend the night within the confines of the grand mansion, contemplating the mysteries that had thrust themselves upon us. Inside, the mansion's expanse was staggering, its opulence an embodiment of both allure and apprehension. Conversations about its grandeur filled the air as we found our respective rooms. 

Yet, within the embrace of luxury, an unsettling aura persisted, like a whisper in the dark corners of our thoughts. Amidst awe and bewilderment, uncertainty took root, refusing to be dismissed. It was during this tension-laden interlude that Aadhya's distress persisted, casting a shadow over the shared exhilaration. "It's an amazing place from the inside," Adam marveled, his voice echoing our collective sentiments. "Indeed, this mansion could easily house two of my homes, and still, it would appear unoccupied."

"Let's find you guys rooms," I suggested, sensing the need to reclaim a semblance of normalcy. You know how it is when you wish for something, and the universe seems to conspire to grant it? Yet, sometimes, obsession and the fear of losing it can inadvertently lead to its loss.  This ominous realization would soon unveil itself, leaving us to confront a nightmare we hadn't anticipated. In the depths of night, Adam slept besides me and everyone else asleep in their rooms a nightmare seized me, a vision of Adam transforming into an aggressor, his intentions unmistakably sinister, progressing towards me with a knife.  A scream tore from my throat as I awoke, only to find my companions sharing my terror. Adam and I looked at each other and ran towards the hall.

The echoes of our collective screams reverberated, a chilling chorus that defied explanation. The haunting question echoed in the air—how could all of us scream in unison? Frantic explanations ensued, the chilling truth unveiled: each of us had dreamed of another in the group attempting to end our lives. The symmetry was undeniable, a shared torment that defied all rational understanding. Fear and uncertainty now united us in ways we couldn't have foreseen. (Deep breaths, Deep breaths I tried but couldn't catch it) Adam brought some water but so scared because of what just happened in the dream, couldn't accept it. The surreal nature of the night was etched into our beings, confronting us with a conundrum that transcended explanation.

The connections we had cultivated were tested by an inexplicable force, threatening to unravel bonds we had believed to be unbreakable. Amidst the growing unease, a spark of resilience ignited. "What do we do next?" Harsh's voice trembled,mirroring the question that plagued us all. (so not like him to be trembling but maybe it has to do with the dream in which Aadhya trying to kill him. Huh? Aadhya and Harsh never saw that coming but then I was so indulged in Adam the whole time, how could I see anything else coming. Idiot me!

Our camaraderie, once a source of strength, now confronted the explainable.  The bizarre encounter with the palace, the shared nightmares that tied us together in terror, and the uncertainty that engulfed us—it was a juncture where reality and the inexplicable collided. Fear and curiosity wrestled within us, mingling with the urge to unveil the truth. The unknown force that seemed to control our destinies—these enigmas propelled us forward. As we faced the uncertainty, the unbreakable bond we had nurtured emerged as our lifeline. Despite the strangeness that surrounded us, we stood united, determined to confront whatever mysteries awaited us. And so, as we braced ourselves for the uncertainty of the path ahead, we found solace(still in fear) in each other's presence, fortified by the shared experiences that had brought us together.

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