Chapter 13, Veil of intrigue

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Adam emerged, walking towards the Mansion on foot. The sight of him brought a flicker of relief, as it seemed to explain his car's presence at Samaira's place(because his car might have broke down there and he couldn't get it out by now). I descended to the hall, eager to meet him. He started blabbing about the events of the previous night, and though I believed his words, the meticulously coordinated stories of him, Harsh, and Ruhaan gnawed at my mind. 

Still, I chose to accept his explanation for the moment. He spoke of his father's illness, I asked to visit after college, concerned about his well-being. Yet, his reply suggested otherwise - his father was already at home, and the celebration plans were shifted to the weekend. Confusion settled within me, but I pushed my concerns aside.

As we headed to college, the atmosphere buzzed with tension due to impending internal exams and vivas. Students buried themselves in books, consumed by academic pressure. Amid this, I noticed a group of girls giggling. I initially attributed it to the exam-stress, but later realized their amusement was directed at something else.

Diverting our separate ways to our respective classes, I noticed my brothers standing behind me, unwavering pillars of support. Despite my irritation at their intrusion, I knew their intentions were rooted in love and care. These two had been my constants, filling the void left by our mother's absence, shielding me from bullies and ensuring my comfort. 

College life carried on, yet the tension of exams remained, consuming every conversation and thought. But an unsettling incident compelled me to question the web of lies surrounding me. I spotted Principal D'Mello on campus, despite Adam's claim of his father's illness. Seeking answers, I approached him and inquired. To my surprise, he stated that he had not been ill and that the plans had moved to weekend due to his birthday celebration at the mansion.

"was Adam not there?" Princiapl D'Mello inquired.

More confusion washed over me,(Dumb me, what confusion? he been lying to me) my trust eroding further. I turned to confront Adam, only to find him and Samaira hiding behind a pillar. Their conversation confirmed my worst fears—"they were dating behind my back?"(going on all lovey dovey, why would he propose to me if he still liked Samaira. and why not leave if the feelings resurfaced) I thought to myself, which was confirmed by the social media posts on the college unofficial social media pages. There were a number of questions and scenario that circled through my head imparing my ability to confront them at the moment

Consumed by anger, hurt, and betrayal, I feigned happiness and then fled to the Mansion.In the throes of my emotions, I sought refuge in alcohol. Every sip seemed to drown my pain, a futile attempt to erase the mess my life had become.(too much drama for a 17 year old, i know, always been like that) The day Adam was supposed to be with me, the day supposed to make everything a little better after the months we had and the day that would have made us closer. Adam chose to do otherwise, by leaving me to wait in the party I threw for him, He was on a date with Samaira. 

I felt alone—betrayed by friends, by my boyfriend, and by the two most important people in my life, who might also be hiding the truth from me. My brothers attempted to intervene, but they knew it was futile. (Oh they knew better than to come closer to me when i am drunk and furious ) So, they watched from a distance, worried but unable to ease my anguish.As the clock struck 10, a thought crystallized in my intoxicated mind. I called my driver and instructed him to prepare the car. Despite their concern, I refused to let my brothers drive. The car ride felt like a haze as my mind wrestled with the chaos of emotions.

I was on a mission—to confront the source of it all.Arriving at the mysterious palace. I laughed uncontrollably, echoing the madness that had taken over me when i reached there. The palace had reappeared, solidifying my determination. This time, I was undeterred. I stepped out and ventured inside.The familiar sights greeted me—the dark garage, intricate carvings, and shadowed rooms. The enigma of the palace still remained, but my attention was drawn to a room emitting an eerie blue light of the moon. 

The light vanished as I entered, the moonlight perhaps playing tricks on my mind. A massive mirror adorned the center, exuding an air of regal elegance.Amidst the exquisite carvings, a small piece lay broken. I picked it up, placing it back on the mirror, unleashing a blinding white light. The room transformed into a long hallway, a series of grand doors lining its walls. Though something was written on each door, I found myself unable to decipher the inscriptions. Hours passed as I navigated the corridor, desperate to find an exit with nothing but alcohol in my stomach.

 Hours passed as I navigated the corridor, desperate to find an exit with nothing but alcohol in my stomach

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Finally, at the end of the hall, I spotted a woman in white. A sense of familiarity washed over me. She beckoned, drawing me further into the unknown. With each step, the reality around me shifted, and I felt myself being pulled into something far greater than my understanding.

In her presence, questions swirled like a tempest, my mind a battleground of uncertainties. This woman, a harbinger of revelations, seemed to hold the key to the secrets that had unraveled my life. Yet, even as answers loomed on the horizon, the web of maybes remained, a testament to the complexity of the journey I had embarked upon.As the pieces fell into place, I was left grappling with the paradox of loving someone who had shattered my trust. 

The pain, the betrayal, the confusion—all intertwined like verses of a poignant poem. Amidst the turmoil, a decision crystallized within me. A choice that would redefine my path, a choice to unearth the truth, no matter how much it threatened to shatter my world.And so, as I stood in that enigmatic hallway, facing the woman who held the power to illuminate the shadows, I steeled myself for the inevitable, for the unraveling of the secrets that had haunted me for so long.

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